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busted for moving between cars at Woodlawn......

Posted by (4) Lexington Av Exp on Sat Dec 15 16:35:56 2007

Well, I was a "victim" of a ticketing blitz at Woodlawn today.... 2 police officers took me off a (4) train about to close down and leave for Manhattan.

Officer 1 (hispanic): Step off of the train, sir.
Me: Is there a problem?
Officer 1: Do you know why I pulled you off of the train?
(I had a kinda blank/worried look)
You were walking between the subway cars.

Him and another officer sat me down on the platform while the train with the "witnesses" pulls out of the station. They asked if I had been arrested before, any violations, ID, etc. They called into the 52nd precinct to verify my claim of a "clean record." Clean record wasnt worth shit and I still got the $75 ticket anyways. According to it, i violated NYCTA rule 1050.9(d) for "unsafe riding." 3 trains later, I was dismissed with the yellow slip.

That brings me to this question/concern: Can someone please verify NYCTA rule 1050.9d and if it clarifies whether moving between cars on a NON-moving train at a TERMINAL station is an offense? and is this appealable. You guys seem to be an intelligent bunch when it comes to the NYCTA rulebook.


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