Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people? (21864) | |||
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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people? |
Posted by SilverFox on Mon Mar 28 18:44:11 2005, in response to Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by brooklynQB on Mon Mar 28 13:10:01 2005. Between Peter Rosa's desire for NY's destruction . . .Do you mean Peter Rosa's mockery of that which makes New York a laughingstock to the rest of the world? His lampooning the head-in-the-sand politicians and social activists who would rather wish problems away than work to solve them? My uncle jokes about immigrants . . . Do you mean your uncle's jokes about illegal immigrants who drain from our economy and productivity? Could it be immigrants who set up a beachhead here and send the money they make back to their Third World hellholes keeping the money out of our circulation? Or what about immigrants who absolutely refuse to assimilate into our culture, or bring our ethos back to their countries to make them look like ours so that they don't have to come here in the first place while contributing nothing but stinking curry restaurants and store signs in foreign languages that basically say "Fuck You, Americans!" The flight to non-populated areas, Subrbia . . . Why live cheek-to-jowl in foul-smelling cities with traffic pollution, filthy public transit, cramped and rundown accommodations, and lowlifes who are looking to take from you rather than build themselves up, then blame society for their ills? Hey, some people like it or can't afford otherwise, but why bash those who don't? Violence Because "populated areas" are surprisingly tolerant of such deviance, seeking "root causes" instead of corporal- or tougher punishment. War Suppose our immigrant friends immigrate in such numbers that tommorow they declare New York City to be a part of, say, pick your favorite foreign country . . . how about the Dominican Republic. That one seems to be popular. So tomorrow they come around to your home and say "Joo no longer American, meng. Joo Dominicang now." Will you stand for that, or will you defend yourself and your country against foreign invaders? How? Love for guns Would you rather have love for pot, illicit sex, illegitimacy, or other problems of the stupid and/or unschooled? Maybe you would, because none of these kill directly. They kill softly, over time, imperceptably. And who cares if these activities kill police officers indirectly rather than criminals directly through the proper use of firearms? Yes, there are some out there who deserve to die. If firearms are used to kill criminals, then yes, I love guns and hate criminality. Fire away. I think there is a singular answer for America's and maybe even the worlds problems...People (Americans in particular) hate other people. I also think there is a singular answer for America's and maybe even the world's problems . . . People are becoming undisciplined. They are products of permissive societies more interested in instant and self gratification rather than respect, humility, responsibility, and achievement. Do you hate people? Why? What a stupid, presumptive, and loaded question. You should have asked, "Are you still beating your wife?" Mr. brooklynQB, either you are young, idealistic, or naive. These aren't bad qualities, but your post reads like that Indian shedding a tear over the garbage he sees while mounted on his horse. It presumes there is only one answer or one cause to the world's unrest. As I hope to have shown, answers aren't as easy as might seem. Problems can rarely be waved away if we all smiled. Maybe educate yourself on why these conditions came to be and then devise solutions before painting every problem with one broad brush. Peace to you. AK |
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