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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by SilverFox on Thu Mar 31 05:20:27 2005, in response to Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by brooklynQB on Wed Mar 30 14:42:08 2005.

Brooklyn, I never said that you called me Hitler. I said someone else did; and that you were like him in just wanting to mock me rather than attempt to refute my claims.

You’ve had plenty of time in THREE DAYS to come up with holes in my arguments. BMT Dude and RonInBayside did. Others simply broadly interpreted my arguments, at which point I had to make them more specific. Even you came up with a minor score in suggesting that things weren’t much safer 100 years ago in Manhattan, for which I credit you now.

Let me bold the points in your previous post to show where you were just a cheap carnival barker:

Here's something to chew on:

If I'm a Chinatown store owner, where 95% of my customers are either chinese-americans with strong cultural roots, or Chinese born/visitors, why the heck should my store be in english? What, so I can sell crap to Nebraskan tourists who will never come back anyway? If you're a true NYer, you'll use your....*drumroll*....BRAIN, and see that "Ooh, there is (food) in there, so it must be a (foodstore). Then you'll go in and sak where the duck sauce is. I'm sure they'll at least be able to give you some sort of answer or even show you where.

And the funny thing is, your probably the same retard that goes to Paris and expects the matradiee to speak english as well. I bet the natives in Paris think your an ass as well. So don't do it to others.

In your subsequent reply:

I did argue merits. But really, even if you aren't that "Paris" ass, many people of your ilk are. The fact is, you're insulted that those Chinese, Russian, and Spanish newcomers don't cater to your language. Hey, it's their loss, not yours. I never called you Hitler, and I speak the truth that I have never called another person Hilter. As for calling their veiws Nazi-ish, some of them are. The fact is, you're taking this way too personally. I for one can appreacte the value of immigrants for the fact that many of the expericnecs I have had in life have involved the good people being immigrants. If there's no immigrants, there is no America. Both sides of the poltical aisle realize that and so do the true Americans. Time for you to catch up.

Now you've gone from mocking carnival barker to presumptious little snotnose. I count no fewer than four convenient presumptions on your part about who I am when you don't even know who I am.

I've seen both sides of you: The one who wants to debate, and the other who just wants to make fun. I like the former, thank you.


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