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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by SilverFox on Tue Mar 29 17:36:31 2005, in response to Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by RonInBayside on Tue Mar 29 17:14:18 2005.

That’s a great point, Ron, but then the problem becomes: How much of our economy's expansion is built on the backs of illegal labor, and how much expansion can take place under the current levels of regulation or lack thereof, and taxation, without illegal immigration?

How much less expansion will be tolerated should the "true" figure be less but of higher stability without illegal immigration? How much more expansion would occur if taxes were lower or fairer as a result of less illegal immigration, curtailing underground activity?

To me, it seems like this problem has the hydraulics of a bag of water. Put your hand down here, the water shifts there. Put your hand down there, the water shifts here. Put both hands down, the bag breaks.

Okay: I am against illegal immigration. No lies. Punt them all, and let's pay, say 100% more across the board for goods and services, similar to what we are currently doing for gasoline. My guess -- just a guess, now -- is that people will become used to the increase after about a year. After all, the increase will be across-the-board, similiar to gasoline, so there will be nearly uniform costs and pricing.

Will business stand for it? No. But then how come the gasoline companies don't seem to mind the huge increases? They just pass them onto the consumer. Why can’t that happen in the service industry? Oh yes, because labor (not product) costs will rise. But if ALL labor costs across all competitors rise uniformly, then all they need to do is pass these increased costs onto the consumers, who will then come to expect them.

Maybe I have too much faith in humanity.


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