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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by UWS Greg on Tue Mar 29 17:30:43 2005, in response to Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by R143 on Tue Mar 29 17:00:26 2005.

Well, bro, the medical advantages of circumcision are rather compelling, whether some choose to accept it or not. Study after study has shown that "cut" males are far less prone to STDs-- which makes sense when you think of it. Just less "hiding places" for nasty germs to fester, reproduce and spread. Most dramatically, a tribe in Africa that practices ritual circumcision on newborn boys has an AIDS rate of close to zero-- unlike the rest of Africa which has been decimated by it. There are even documented studies showing that "cut" males have a lower incidence of penile cancer.

Then there are the cases, admittedly not many, of males who've required the operation later in life-- when it really does hurt (ouch!!)-- due to painful erections because the head cannot fully protude, etc.

But you're right. For whatever reason, the # of circumcisions is diminishing slightly in the USA. But, conversely, the the number is on the increase in Europe where, historically, it wasn't widely practiced.

"Cut and Proud" LOL.


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