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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by SilverFox on Tue Mar 29 00:34:14 2005, in response to Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by UWS Greg on Mon Mar 28 23:59:42 2005.

Of course, I'm not going to debate with you, you clenched-fisted, ranting, egomaniac who-- by your own admission-- has a history of having to eat your own words when you go off the deep end.

Well isn't that special. You bring up my "having to eat my own words," but that can only be done when you have something substantive to say that has either been successfully refuted by others or voluntarily amended by you to reflect the better judgment of others on one or more points. Since there is no way to argue against shit like "Hitler," "Racist!" or ad-hominem attacks that the user of same arguments can understand or appreciate, I guess I can see how your record of having to retract stuff is flawless.

Hey, I am here to learn as well as speak. Teach me the error of my opinions. So far, you haven't done a thing. Just as I expected.

. . . ranting against just about every possible ethnic group and his desire for extermination thereof . . .

Pray tell me how I desired the extermination of "just about every possible ethnic group." Better yet, explain it to the group of us. You're grasping at straws here. And that ain't Xanax talking.

. . . then goes wimpering and mewling behind his own "minority" status.

How did I use my minority status to deflect your argument? Did I say, "Because I am a Jew you can't call me Hitler?" Did I say, "Because I am Jewish and a minority, I am immune to criticism on odious positions on crime and society?"

Even a fourth grader can understand that my upset was due to your linking me, personally, to a reviled man in history without any justification other than because you thought it would shut me up and put me in line with your views of things. It didn't, so now you are pursuing a scorched-earth policy and hoping some of the shit you fling around the board will hit me somehow.

How does Train Dude say it? Go back to your cage and don't say anything until we bang on the bars for you.

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