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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Mar 29 21:10:47 2005, in response to Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by SilverFox on Tue Mar 29 17:51:55 2005.

Forty years ago, there were NO governmental fora that conducted business or disseminated information in any language but English. Those immigrants truly had to learn English to get by. Nowadays, that is simply not the case. These immigrants become less interested in politics, policy, and the betterment of America and themselves as a whole.

My grandparents on my fathers side came to this country in the 1920's from Germany (not together, they met here) and didn't know a word of English when they got off the boat....but they learned. They broke their asses to make it in this country, and learning English was the first step. My father was born here, so of course, he learned English in just as any other kid born here did right away.

My grandparents on my mother's side came here from the Netherlands with the whole family (the two of them, and their four children, and none of them spoke a word of English when they got off the boat in the 1950's). They also broke their asses to make it here. The first thing my grandfather did was buy them a TV, even though they didn't have a pot to piss in. He figured that would help them learn English. They all did.

There were no German and English signs everywhere in the 1920 and 30's even though there were hourdes of Germans here (as it was so bad in Germany back then). And of course there were no signs catering to the Dutch in the 1950's either.
They had to learn the language. I don't agree that everything should be in "Spanish and English" or in "Chinese and ENglish", etc, etc. If they come here, they should learn the language. ALl the other immigrants for centuries had to also.


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