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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by R143 on Tue Mar 29 17:00:26 2005, in response to Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by SilverFox on Tue Mar 29 01:14:02 2005.

Anecdotally, immigrants no longer seem to want to immigrate from Point X to America to become Americans. They want to be Point Xers with freedoms not found at Point X. Unfortunately Point Xers support human slavery, female genital mutilation, poor sanitation, refuses to learn English, eats dogs and cats, and other ills not tolerated in this country, yet there are those who support immigrants' "rights" not to assimilate into our culture

Yeah but this country practices male genital mutilation and no one seems to have a problem with that! Millions of baby boys have a piece of their reproductive body cut off every year, for no medical reason whatsoever, and for non religious reasons. It's bad enough that this is allowed for religious reasons, it's even more reprehensible that circumcision is allowed for non-religious reasons.
Thankfuly, it is dwindeling every year, as more and more parents realize it's an insane practice to alter the body of a boy without his consent.
Circumcision began in this country as a reason to stop masturbation, but that obviously didn't work. It has always been a "medical" practice in search of a reason. Fathers don't want to admidt that they have really lost something, and that it was done to them unneededly.


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