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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by RonInBayside on Tue Mar 29 17:14:18 2005, in response to Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by SilverFox on Tue Mar 29 17:04:59 2005.

"And most of those past immigrants were LEGAL. There was no tolerance for illegal immigration. "

Nonsense. Where did you read that, Mad Magazine? Illegal immigrants are an old story here - the vast majority of them doing work no one else wants to do at wages no one else wants. Employers have always tolerated undocumented aliens for certain job classifications: cleaning, domestic help, seasonal farm labor, "sweatshops," you name it. And got away with paying substandard wages (which are much higher than the immigrant could make at home, but still submits the immigrant to bad conditions here).

"I do not, under any circumstances, tolerate illegal immigration, or the aid and abettance of same"

You're a bald-faced liar. Do you eat lettuce? Watermelons? Anything coming from the Coachella Valley in California? Eat in restaurants?

If so, you are directly supporting undocumented aliens. If we threw them all out tomorrow, lettuce would be $5 a head.


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