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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by UWS Greg on Tue Mar 29 17:04:48 2005, in response to Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by David of Broadway on Tue Mar 29 16:14:37 2005.

Couldn't agree more, brother. I've long suspected that those who complain too long and loud about others' "failure to assimilate" have other issues. And how exactly does one prove that one is adequately assimilated? Wearing a Yankees cap backwards? Speaking flawless, grammatically correct English? (HA! That rules out most people born in NY-- or at least Brooklyn. LOL) Speaking of language, I know that, at least in NYC, the only thing preventing more people from signing up for ESL (Eng. as 2nd language) is the shortage of certified teachers. A friend of mine teaches in a community college in NY where every ESL class is packed and many students are turned away.

And, as Mark noted, all the kids of immigrants will be totally assimilated no matter what their parents might do to prevent it. Problem solved!

I was at Brighton Beach last summer and saw a group of teens- obviously born here- conversing in Russian. Just to satisfy my curiosity, I asked a directional question. They all answered in 100% unaccented English. They're totally bilingual. Personally, I think that's a tremendous asset.

(PS: I'm bilingual, too. I'm grateful to my parents for teaching me their language first. English was a snap later.)


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