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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by RonInBayside on Thu Mar 31 06:35:49 2005, in response to Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by SilverFox on Thu Mar 31 04:55:43 2005.

These are interesting stories, all of which mean very little in the end. Things change over time; if you're flexible and have good social skills you can deal with them. If you don't, you're outta luck and it's your own fault.

You can substitute "American-born" home-grown in the above stories too - immigration isn't necessarily the root of this. ZYou don't have to be an immigrant to throw furniture out your window. And why did the first caucasians move out of the neighborhood? Lack of social skills?

I've lived in many ethnically diverse neghborhoods and found them to be stable and good places to live, even as they change over time.

You hold a lot of ignorant stereotypes in your head, dude. Time for you to get some help dealing with your insecurities.

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