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Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?

Posted by American Pig on Wed Mar 30 15:47:40 2005, in response to Re: Answer to the enitre worlds problems and trends: People simply hate people?, posted by SilverFox on Tue Mar 29 22:35:47 2005.

Did they develop a class-conscious caste system here? Did they restrict religious practice (which, for the most part, was the same except for very subtle differences)? Did they establish a monarchical or dictatorial government without free elections? NO. So they DIDN'T take most of their old-world customs with them.

Yes, they DID take most of their customs with them. It's a myth that all of the colonies were places of religion freedom and the like. Many of the colonies had state religions and/or dictatorial governments and lost those practices only after the Revolution. Various odious practices lasted even longer than that.


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