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The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by SilverFox on Mon Jun 19 17:09:52 2006

Over the past few years I have been nursing a theory that it is virtually impossible for a single, non-religious Jewish male to find a decent Jewish bride, much less a Jewish girlfriend. Although it is very hypocritical on so many levels for a non-religious person wanting to marry within their own religion, there are still many thousands of families and individuals that, for some reason, believe that marrying outside the faith somehow disrespects the faith more than their eating a bacon cheeseburger at the diner for lunch on Saturday.

Keeping the math simple, there are 8.5 million people in New York City. There are approximately 1 million Jews.

Assume half of the Jewish population is male, that leaves 500,000 Jewesses.

Assume half of those remaining are Hasidic, ultra-Orthodox, or otherwise "accounted for" in committed to marrying within their sect, cult, or to the same degree of faith, and that leaves 250,000 Jewish females.

Of those remaining, there is, IIRC, a sixty-percent intermarriage rate. I still don't know whether the sixty-percent is off the top, or after the Hasidim are accounted for, but either way, the result is ominous. By my calculations, 150,000 Jewish women are intermarrying/interdating, leaving 100,000 Jewish women for men in my demographic to quarry, at least in this region.

And have you seen those 100,000? I've been to these Jewish singles meetings too many times to count. They're all there: The 40-year-old spinsters yammering at nobody in particular; the 50-year-old triple divorcee/widows (who probably nagged their husbands into wanting affairs/to death); lesbians; the castrating, man-hating career bitches; and the Prozac junkies. It's pathetic.

Say 75% -- a fair number -- fall into these classifications. That leaves 25,000 in the sphere of eligibles. Out of 4.25 million potential mates in the City of New York, 25,000 fit my, and many other, mens' specifications. 0.6% (six TENTHS of ONE PERCENT), or .0058, of the female population. And these aren't necessarily supermodels either.

Assume there are only 25,000 similarly-situated Jewish males remaining after the same exercises are performed -- an even pairing. As it is, we are dealing with searching for needles in haystacks to find our one out of 25,000 out of 4.25 million, but throw some Alphas in there, and some of the guys (but none of the women) will be assed out.

Peter . . . here's your homework: What is the ratio of "trophy" women to all women? I doubt it is as low as .0058 of the population. Mine is a REAL woman shortage!


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