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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by SilverFox on Sat Jun 24 01:17:10 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jun 23 07:34:34 2006.

G-d and Judaism are more important than you.

Only to people who have been conditioned to think that by HUMANS who have declared that to be the case. It's all a bunch of mind control to put derrieres in shul and church pews and keep the Earthly money coming in order to do the work of a supernatural being who shouldn't need Earthly money to do his good deeds.

If this is the case, that God and Judaism are more important than I am, then look at what these two sadistic institutions are doing to me and countless other individuals in tortiously interfering with our happiness. The "Cause." Subjugate yourself and your one spin around this world for The "Cause." If you do, then maybe (we don't know, nor will we ever) you MAY have a life of eternal bliss in the afterlife -- another artificial construct of man to control his actions in this world.

If everyone thought like you, then there wouldn't be a Jewish religion today.

And there would probably be world peace as Islam would also crumble once the more enlightened found that it is nothing but a crock of shit to keep you in someone else's power as well.

If Judaism (or Islam, or whatever) is so important to you, then you do your part to uphold it. I, for what it's worth, don't think it is so important, and in fact, think it's downright silly. But I am still quite inextricably linked to this nonsense through my family, and it's preventing me from pursuing happiness while I can still enjoy it.

I hope you never have to choose between yourself and your family over something so fucking petty.


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