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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 18:51:37 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Sun Jun 25 13:07:58 2006.

Okay, maybe G-d revealed the Torah to Moshe. Then perhaps G-d recited the Qu'ran through Gabriel to Muhammad and told Moroni to get Joeseph Smith to use seeing-stones build up what eventually became the Book of Mormon. And after communicating through Gabriel and Moroni, Oyasama received contact in Japan. Then there was Ras Tafari. And after Rastafari, there was David Koresh....

Or maybe all of them were nuts. Or maybe other nuts were involved in interpreting and transcribing the words of the first head cases.


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