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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by SilverFox on Wed Jun 21 12:48:49 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by RonInBayside on Wed Jun 21 08:05:05 2006.

One should note that a woman who has a child was attractive to somebody - and often the reasons why she was attractive still hold.

And to take the brutally cynical albeit just as likely side, sometimes the only reason she has kids is because she is a whore who couldn't keep her legs shut and became damaged goods by being knocked up, and didn't want the daddy around afterward. Lots of chicks with kids have absolutely no business being parents, but sex feels too good and it is too much trouble to ask themselves or their boyfriends to engage in it responsibly.

Either that, or they chose their first husband for the wrong head, and now that he can't get it up or she can't get it wet, or one or both of them got bored, one of them got thrown out of the nest. And their attitude is that YOU have the problem for not understanding their circumstances.

I'm not anti-sex. I'm just anti-reckless carelessness.


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