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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 14:16:19 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Howard Fein on Tue Jun 20 13:38:30 2006.

Probably the most bizarre woman I ever dated- and THAT'S saying something- was a one-shot I met at LePuka. On a Friday night after the movie (which she talked all the way through about totally extraneous stuff) we went to a diner. At one point she asked me if I was Orthodox.
I had to drink milk in order to stop choking on my ham omelette

Ha ha, Dates from Hell. I had a few of them back in the mid-1990's when I did a lot of dating before finally getting married. There was Elke, a young woman from Germany who had come to New York to pursue a career as a filmmaker. We met through a personals ad, of all things (back then they still worked okay for men), and got together at a diner on Sixth Avenue. It was a fairly cool day in September or October, not hot by any means, but Elke arrived literally dripping with sweat. A bead of sweat would drop off her nose every 30 seconds or so. Now, there probably was a perfectly valid explanation, she might've just come from the gym or something, but the point is she offered NO explanation even though she must've known that I noticed. She just sat there and dripped.
And then there was another young woman who I also met via a personals ad. Though barely 30 at the time, she was a well-known authority in a particular field of learning. A Google search of her name today will yield a number of links to her writings and lectures. We went out a number of times and the relationship got quite serious. Unfortunately, it turned out that this highly educated and affluent woman had standards of personal hygiene that ... well, suffice to say that a filthy female skell sleeping on the E train would be appetizing.



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