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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Sat Jun 24 04:34:05 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by SilverFox on Sat Jun 24 01:17:10 2006.

Basically, I respect people who believ e in their religions. That's their choice, however, religion was invented by HUMANS as mentioned.
Humans made the rules, and it was passed on for generations from parent to child. People are only the religion they are because their parents told them "this is the way it is", and their parents told them that "this is the way it is", and so on. The most devout Catholic would be the most conservative Jew if that is what his/her parents taught them, and the most devout Jew would be the most devout Catholic if that is what his parents brought him up as.
Like it or not, we are a product of our parents, who are a product of their parents, and so forth.


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