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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 18:08:41 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by xtimx on Sun Jun 25 17:36:20 2006.

how do you know it was written by god? how do you know any of it was true?

Faith. With the added bonus that some of the stuff in there could never have been known or predicted by humans at the time.

every species on the earth fit into a giant boat, they somehow all lived and every animal today comes from those 2 of every species?!?!

Yes, it's called a "miracle." Pity you don't believe in it. But I'm sure that someday, at least once in your life, you WILL be praying for one.

i could go on and on.

Please do, I'm enjoying it.

but hey if you want to believe in nonsense so you feel good at the end of the day, have fun.

You don't know that it is nonsense any more than I know that it is the absolute truth. So you are talking out of your ass. Make love, not war.


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