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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Fred G on Sun Jun 25 19:34:14 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by SilverFox on Sat Jun 24 12:06:02 2006.

Some parents just don't know when to let go and view their children as peers rather than their children. I see it in my own family, both immediate and in each ring outside of the core. I think it may be because childrearing was the high point of their lives and they're reluctant to let go of the control. Or maybe they're just fuckheads, the jury's still out. :D

When your parents lean on you like that, lean back and remind them that it's going to be you and not some rabbi who's bringing them magazines at "The Home". Yeah, you know, creamed corn and you can't wait until someone visits you, aka their children.

Faith; you either got it or ya don't. If you do, like Brian does, follow through and take it to its logical conclusions. If you don't have the faith, then don't have it and not mince words and go through some phony motions. Faith is real belief, not just mechanics. That said, go forth and find a woman that you love and marry her, not just someone who fits the 'specs'. Tribalism be damned; it's a big world out there and it's 2006, not 450 BC.

your pal,


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