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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by orange blossom special on Fri Jun 23 22:07:25 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jun 23 07:34:34 2006.

I don't know where to put a response post on this little subthread.
Was it Venezula, or maybe I'm getting my country mixed up, where all the black people disappeared. They disappeared into the gene pool and everyones mixed now. It's not so far fetched for other groups too.
Plus, I'd like to have something in common with someone. Perferably someone who knows where I'm coming from. Mixing may be easier in more ethnic circles or cities, Irish, Italian or whatever. You can get along with people in this situation and still have an understanding and some common issues in these cases dealing with family insanity. But someone bland from somewhere else might not get the whole ethnic thing, or gasp, may be pro "palestinian".

But if I was picking a girl out of a catalog, lately I'd want someone who can at least relate to everything and understand things. To put things blandly and undetailed. Plus.....I really don't think I'll ever be able to outdrink an irish chick. A jewish girl might be a better bet.

But, life is totally uncontrolled, it's hard to keep things as planned.


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