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Re: How 3rd Rail Running Cummuter Rail Could Have Avoided / Ameliorated Fiery Crash

Posted by j trainloco on Thu Feb 5 17:03:44 2015, in response to How 3rd Rail Running Cummuter Rail Could Have Avoided / Ameliorated Fiery Crash, posted by Outside the Box on Thu Feb 5 13:53:24 2015.

Grade crossing elimination, deployable hard barriers.

I don't know that deployable hard barriers work here. In this case, the eyewitness accounts indicate that the driver was already beyond the barrier when the gates went down. Maybe a detection system that forced the train to slow down...

An inclined (~17% slope) steel and concrete ramp shield, in the shape of a C, that allows the 3rd rail shoes to pass through. In the event of a grade crossing collision, it would guide the car/truck/trailer over the 3rd rail, especially the 3rd rail ends.

I was thinking about this. With LIRR's over-running current collectors, it could simply be a non-conductive sloped end down into the ground, which would force everything over the third rail instead of into it. With the under running contact shoe of MNRR, it would be a bit more challenging, because if the shoe can get under the rail, something else can too.


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