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Re: How 3rd Rail Running Cummuter Rail Could Have Avoided / Ameliorated Fiery Crash

Posted by steamdriven on Fri Feb 6 16:02:41 2015, in response to Re: How 3rd Rail Running Cummuter Rail Could Have Avoided / Ameliorated Fiery Crash, posted by Outside the Box on Fri Feb 6 15:12:49 2015.

This event is so rare that I don't believe it justifies losing the advantanges of under-running 3rd rail. For one, with MNR under-running rail it is possible to insulate the top and sides to reduce the number of burned and killed pedestrians, such as the bicylist who was pushed onto the LiRR 3rd rail by a car one rainy day (he lived, afaik).
MNR 3rd rail doesn't act like a collection plate for liquid and frozen water.

The remote chance of this sort of spearing could be mostly cancelled out by a ski jump, offset a bit to the outside so it does not catch the pickup shoe. If a car being dragged along the tracks misses the ski jump, it is only barely striking the 3rd rail and would probably just result in tearing off the bumper.


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