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Re: W to Astoria/N and Q to 96th Street?

Posted by Wallyhorse on Fri Dec 25 16:33:41 2015, in response to Re: W train returning when Phase I of the 2nd Av subway opens in December 2016?., posted by Dj Hammers on Thu Dec 24 21:06:00 2015.

And I remember those days when the (RR) handled Astoria as you mentioned just fine (early 1980s).

What I believe happened with Astoria was you had a major change in the kind of population there just since 1990, especially as Manhattan became more and more expensive and those who replaced those who were there in the '80s are much more transit-savvy and not afraid to ride the trains.

That's why one thing I would consider is this:

(W) runs from 9th Avenue (possibly even extended to Bay Parkway or Coney Island via West End rush hours) to Astoria at all times, running rush hours as many trains as can fit after the regularly scheduled run of (R) trains through Montauge and 60th Street. Both the (R) and (W) would be local.

(N) and (Q) both run at all times to 96th Street/2nd Avenue with if needed a limited number of trains during rush-hours short-turned at 57th Street. This would be express at all times except possibly late nights.

Having both the (N) and (Q) go to 96th/2nd would likely really make the SAS attractive since then it would really take pressure off the (6).


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