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Re: W to Astoria/N and Q to 96th Street?

Posted by Broadway Lion on Thu Dec 31 10:36:57 2015, in response to Re: W to Astoria/N and Q to 96th Street?, posted by Joe V on Wed Dec 30 18:11:09 2015.

I propose running the (Q) and the (N) to 96th Street / Second Avenue.
These trains already *HAVE* their equipment.

I propose running the (R) train to Astoria with as much equipment as can be mustered. Even if it has no new terminals, they *can* layup equipment at 9/36 at night, can run them to CI for major maint, and can lay up equipment in the tunnels south of 59th street if necessary.

If necessary every 3rd R can short tern at Whitehall, that will increase equipment availabliity. Run some (R) trains with 8 cars and ewe can short tern at Canal.

Heck run ALL of the (R) trains with 8 cars... That will increase the frequency until more cars can be purchased.

(R) Astoria to Ft. Ham
(RW) Astoria to Whitehall
(R) Astoria to Ft. Ham
(RN) Astoria to 9/36 Because every other train cannot terminate at Whitehall without delaying the line (As demonstrated when the (W) terminated there.)


If austerity it is, 8 car (R) trains with the best possible frequency to Astoria will have to do it.

You see that the LION left out BMT on the Queensboro.

Maybe a 6 car shuttle [call it the (BS) if you like] can run from Continental to Canal LL maybe 6 tph. Still then the mbere with the (R) could be an issue.



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