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Re: 4th Avenue Service via Nassau Street

Posted by Michael549 on Fri Jan 1 17:05:56 2016, in response to Re: 4th Avenue Service via Nassau Street, posted by Steve B-8AVEXP on Fri Jan 1 16:24:20 2016.

From a previous message:

"Keeping the D express along 6th Ave. eliminates two switching maneuvers. Plus you can leave the interlocking south of 59th lined up for the D all night long."

I think it appears that one could have the switches north of the 135th Street station set for the midnight hour D-trains to use the express tracks, as well as the switches at 59th Street-Columbus Circle set for the D-train to head to/from the Sixth Avenue line. I believe that almost no other switches would need to be set for the D-train until it reached the Brooklyn-side of the Manhattan Bridge. Of course the situation for the DeKalb Avenue complex and the 36th Street-Fourth Avenue station are a different manner.

Again, of course, the usual mid-night hour diversions of train traffic due to maintenance or other happenings - would not suggest a "hands off" situation, either.


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