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Re: W to Astoria/N and Q to 96th Street?

Posted by Broadway Lion on Thu Dec 31 10:45:01 2015, in response to Re: W to Astoria/N and Q to 96th Street?, posted by Joe V on Wed Dec 30 18:13:10 2015.

LION said not about slashing service south of 59!

YOUSE GUYS said they needed not the levels of service that I had proposed. YOUSE GUYS said if I max out the (R) to Astoria, Ft. Ham does not knead that much service.

LION keeps Ft. Ham at current levels, but additional levels of service will not go to the Ham.

Now if Ham *does* knead better levels of service and that would be appropriate for the bus changers, they do not want to know about whic (R) to tahe, they just want to take the first (R) and go home.

All well and good. But then ewe cannot complain to me that Ft. Ham. gets too much service.

LION *would* tun the (R) line maxed out; LION would build a terminal at the Con Ed Plant in Queens, and LION woudl buy mor equipment, as it is clearly kneaded.

But ewe also asked the LION about plans for austerity, with no new cap bdgts... LION gave that answer too.

Here is another refinement. Cut the (Q) and the (N) by 1 tph, and increase the (R) by 2 tph. Shor tern some (R) at Whitehall is more tph is required at Astoria. The bridge beese riders will just have to manage under this austerity untill more can be purchased.


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