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Hunters Point vs LIRR Round 1

Posted by Doctor B on Wed May 20 23:21:15 2009

The following post appeared today on the Queenswest Forum:

"We're petitioning to ask the LIRR to turn off their diesel engine trains, or find a way to move them away from residential areas. Your support is greatly appreciated!

I was waiting for this battle to begin. Condo towers are built across the street from the LIRR LIC Yard on Borden Avenue. Apparently the new arrivals failed to notice there is an active railyard next to their building. It has been there for over 140 years.

We know DE30's idle every weekday. The railroad will give you a detailed explanation why they can't shut them off. Heating/cooling/computers, I've heard this before.

MNR avoids the situation by utilizing house power at Wassaic. LIRR doesn't bend for anybody.


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