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Re: LIRR East Side Access

Posted by J trainloco on Mon May 22 23:31:20 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon May 22 22:48:51 2006.

If they could "squeeze" a few more trains in during the rush hour, NJT would already be doing it. I guess we just have to take NJT's word that it can't be done.

As WillD pointed out: I thought NJT capacity was limited by its Hudson River tunnels?

IMHO, no, it would not be "just as beneficial." ESA serves two purposes: primarily to bring in more people from LI (since Penn is full) and secondarily to bring people closer to their jobs on the East Side. MNCR to Penn only serves one purpose: to bring people closer to their job on the West Side. While I personally would love that, I think it is clear that it is nowhere near as important as being able to bring more people into Manhattan.

Bringing more trains into manhattan could be done for far cheaper on the LIRR by building more capacity at NYP. Heck, MNRR is running three or four tracks in peak direction, meaning that they are sort of bursting at the seams. Platform space could be opened up by Sending trains to across the Hell Gate bridge and the underused West Side tracks so that the Park Avenue tracks are an even 2/2 split. Maybe that would free up more platforms at GCT that could be converted for LIRR use, and then trains would be diverted from NYP to GCT.


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