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Re: LIRR East Side Access

Posted by J trainloco on Tue May 23 11:29:59 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by Broadway Lion on Tue May 23 11:15:47 2006.

You argument spreads bull shit, because a tunnel boaring machine would be needed to add any platforms to NYP, for it matters not if you build below or along side of the existing structure: You still have to build tunnels.

Allright, this is getting out of hand. ESA requires digging a new, long tunnel to GCT, and then digging out the underground caverns. I'm proposing eliminating the tunnel to the caverns, and just digging new caverns, which is what I believed could be done at Penn. But, In my most recent post on the topic, I conceeded that the Penn/east River tubes are at capacity, thanks to schedule analysis that I made.

Please stop digging through the older posts.


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