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Re: LIRR East Side Access

Posted by J trainloco on Tue May 23 11:34:15 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by Broadway Lion on Tue May 23 11:21:56 2006.

You are treated as your arguments deserve.

It's clear that you didn't understand what was being said on my part. So, I'll give you a pass on calling me an idiot.

Both plans require construction in the Sunnyside Yards

Both plans require the construction of some sort of 8 track station.

Both plans require some construction of tunnels in Manhattan.

The GCT Plan uses the existing 63rd Street Tunnel.
(No Cost)

The NYP Plan requires the construction of a new East River Tunnel.

What I was saying was that no one had provided proof that NYP east river tunnels were at capacity (which they hadn't) and that extra service could be operated through those tunnels to new platform space at NYP. The savings cost would be the fact that you would not have needed to dig new tunnel in Queens or as much new tunnel in manhattan. Both plans would require new stations, so the cost would've likely been equal.


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