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Re: LIRR East Side Access

Posted by J trainloco on Tue May 23 02:17:30 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by ALSTOM R160A on Tue May 23 01:38:43 2006.

Look, none of us here can give you concrete evidence that they are at capacity.

Ah, so I should just shut up and accept you guys word as correct.

But you can pretty much see that with all the Amtrak, LIRR, NJT trains that use the tunnel in passenger service, as well as all the deadheads that need the tunnels, especially during the peak hours, it's pretty damn close to capacity.

Ok, since no one else is bothering to do any actual analysis, I'll do it.

The greatest number of trains going through the Hudson tubes is between 7 and 8 am. Assuming that there's more than the 20 trains I due to expresses I neglected, let's say there's presently 24 LIRR trains into NYP (probably an overstatement).

In addition to trains i mentioned before, the following trains could be possible deadheads:

Train # 79 leaves at 715am
train # 91 leaves at 1108am

(neither of these trains should have deadheads affecting the LIRR's 'crush hour' of between 7 and 8 am)

Train # 2107 leaves at 7am
Train # 183 at 705am
#2109 leaves at 8 am
#153 leaves at 810
#141 leaves at 935am
#2153 leaves at 10
#95 leaves at 1030am.
#69 leaves at 815
#283 leaves 1045

So, at worst, Amtrak is running another 3 deadheads into NYP during the 'crush' period. Now we're at 27trains. The maximum amount of service I've heard can be operated is 40tph (20 on each track). Even if we ratchet that down a bit to 36tph, that's still 9 trains that LIRR can add. If LIRR is deadheading trains into Penn during this period (and I do not believe that is the case) these trains can become in service trains. So, LIRR could add 9 trains through the East River per hour, realistically. That's plenty room.

If no one can SHOW me otherwise, then there's no proof it cant be done.

And as far as modifying the tunnels, It can be done with no peak time disruption and minimal off-peak disruption. If the agencies cooperate it's a plausible situation.


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