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Re: US appeals court upholds new Texas abortion rules

Posted by Nilet on Fri Apr 4 12:01:36 2014, in response to Re: US appeals court upholds new Texas abortion rules, posted by New Flyer #857 on Fri Apr 4 11:07:51 2014.

The whole point of the message of the pro-life side is that the fetus should be assigned the same rights as the woman, not extra, and not in a sexist way.

Actually, the whole point of the so-called "pro-life" side is that women should be property owned by men. They're just not willing to say as much out loud (LuchAAA excepted).

There's no reason why anyone who is born should automatically be considered worth more than anyone unborn.

Obviously, this position is incorrect, since the interests a real person actually has automatically take priority over the interests that a nonexistent person would theoretically have if he were real.

That said, it's also completely irrelevant to the argument. The right to bodily autonomy gives you the right to refuse anybody who wants to consume your body for their benefit; you don't have to make a judgement call as to their "worth" before you say no.

The argument of bodily autonomy could work, if the fetus was actually a part of the woman's body.

The fetus is parasitical on the woman's body. The right to bodily autonomy necessarily includes the right to evict parasites. Thomson's argument used a hypothetical example of having someone else's circulatory system connected to yours to use your kidneys as a dialysis machine, which more closely resembles what pregnancy entails; I used the example of kidneys and bone marrow because those are situations one is more likely to encounter in the real world. It doesn't matter either way.

And while everyone knows I don't agree with bingbong, I'll take her argument more seriously than the one I'm responding to here.

If you don't want to take the right to bodily autonomy seriously, then I'm sure I can fetch a decent price for one of your kidneys on the black market.


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