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Re: US appeals court upholds new Texas abortion rules

Posted by New Flyer #857 on Fri Apr 4 18:34:52 2014, in response to Re: US appeals court upholds new Texas abortion rules, posted by Nilet on Fri Apr 4 18:18:29 2014.

Refusing to make one's body available to save another is fine, like I said, or at least not what's being discussed. The "offensive action" I'm talking about is a move to terminate another. Using someone against their will to save another person's life is not what's happening here. It's simply allowing what already is to finish being.

Abortion is the use of force to terminate a life. That is not what is happening in the case of one's making one body available to save another.

A fetus / embryo has human DNA, and yes, that picture looks quite like a human. Biologically, you have no argument that it's not human. So you're argument must coalesce with bingbong's, namely that a certain amount of brain activity must be required, an argument I've engaged before.

The fetus consumes the woman's body for its own benefit, causing significant harm to the woman's health while offering no benefit in return. If a woman decides it's worth putting up with that in order to have a baby, that's her choice. If she decides not to, that's also her choice. Hers. Not yours, not the government's, not society's not anybody else's. That's because the right to bodily autonomy is absolute— if something or someone is consuming your body, you have every right to stop them.

This goes into whether grave harm can be done to another to prevent slight harm to oneself. But we're far from having that discussion since we're not agreed in the points leading up to it.


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