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Subtalk politics: at a glance

Posted by aem7ac on Mon Feb 27 09:45:15 2006

DRAFT -- Subject to Change
For discussion purposes only

Republican Democrat RonInBayside BIE Jersey_Mike Train_Dude AEM7AC Dand124 Olog-hai Chris_R16 Mr_Mabsota
Stem Cell X X X X X X
Gun Control X X X X X
Abortion Choice X X X X X X X
Federal Healthcare X X X X X
Port Sale X
Soc. Sec. Reform X X X X
Morning After X X X X X X X
Gay Marriage X X X X X X X
Public Smoking Ban X X X X X X X
Patriot Act X X X X X
Creation in Schools X X
Motorcycle Helmet Req X X X X X X X X
X = Pro


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