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Re: LIRR East Side Access

Posted by J trainloco on Mon May 22 23:35:32 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by ALSTOM R160A on Mon May 22 22:56:28 2006.

You said it will be just as beneficial. Bringing LIRR into Grand Central expands the capacity of LIRR in Manhattan. Penn Station's slots are all filled and putting some trains into GCT expands their capacity into Manhattan. Bringing MNRR into Penn doesn't expand capacity. It is an expensive proposition that would save travelers half a mile of walking (oh my!) or a (GASP) short subway ride. You come to New York City to work, then you're a New Yorker here...learn to walk a little or take the subway.

And while we're talking about the huge expense of my proposal to bring MNRR to NYP, the cost of bringing LIRR to GCT is far, far higher than simply expanding NYP would have been. Essentially, MTA is spending billions to bring people to an alternate destination when the could have spent far less to just expand NYP. Personally, I could do without MNRR to NYP, because I feel that ESA is a waste of billions, but if you're going to spend billions to bring LIRR to GCT, then you can spend a couple of millions to bring MNRR to NYP.


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