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Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 14:26:29 2011, in response to Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 14:24:11 2011.

Who has been harmed in this case? A journalist looking for a story? I've already explained why I don't count that and consider it more disrespectful than anything else. If the only people on the bus want to self-segregate, which is what is happening, you can't stop them.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Tue Oct 25 14:38:05 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 14:10:10 2011.

I don't know who you are referring to when you say "he".

You were responding to Spider-Pig.

Okay you say "most Tohrah Observant Jews do not practice the custom. That would include Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionists also since they are also "torah observant." Even if it is practiced only by the ultra-Orthodox which I believe is the case, it is still practiced. It doesn't matter how few people practice it because "few" is a relative term even if all the Ultra Orthodox do not believe in it, a large number still do.

By "Torah-observant" I mean "Orthodox." It's still being practiced by a very small segment of the population of Orthodox Jews, yet it is regarded as ridiculous and reprehensible by the vast majority of Orthodox Jews. I don't think it's fair to say "the Orthodox won't change any of their practices that they have been doing for thousands of years" when "the Orthodox" as a whole don't do it and never have done it. It's also a dumb "reason why [you] won't be Orthodox."

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Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves

Posted by JAzumah on Tue Oct 25 15:06:36 2011, in response to Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 14:24:11 2011.

I think that both of you are in agreement regarding the proper protocol on the B110. The only difference is that one believes that a reporter should not be the impetus for changing the behavior on the bus. I understand his point, but I do not agree. There are people in this article that think that the segregation is legal because it has been allowed to go on for so long. Herein lies the fruit of the neglect of the NYC bus franchise system.

Having said that, the article does make a few important points. The most notable comes from the fact that an out ward attack on a community will make it defensive. That is, Orthodox women will defend the system because they are part of it and to attack it is to attack them. Indoctrination goes on everywhere. The idea that God doesn't exist is a type of indoctrination too. This is why I am not a big fan of discussing why the Orthodox Jews do what they do. It is irrelevant to the situation at hand.

The deal here is that what is taking place on the B110 is illegal because the drivers are engaged in its enforcement. A simple reminder to the drivers not to get involved protects the franchise. On the schedule, the instructions in Yiddish should reflect a voluntary choice to segregate. If I were in Private Transportation's shoes, I would issue no public comment about the situation at all.

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Re: Occupy the B110!

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Tue Oct 25 15:27:31 2011, in response to Re: Occupy the B110!, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 14:11:24 2011.

I'm well aware of the fact, but there are people who would disagree with that statement.

Oh, no; burkhas on 18th Avenue!

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Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves

Posted by MCI GUY on Tue Oct 25 16:50:07 2011, in response to Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves, posted by JAzumah on Tue Oct 25 15:06:36 2011.

dot worry. they wont.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by MCI GUY on Tue Oct 25 16:59:55 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 12:05:22 2011.

he called me an antisemite and i am jewish. the boy needs to go to a state hospital.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:21:22 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by MCI GUY on Tue Oct 25 16:59:55 2011.

I am Jewish too and I let him know that.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:25:02 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Tue Oct 25 14:38:05 2011.

I considered myself Orthodox until my 30s when I started going to a Conservative synagogue. I liked it much better for a number of reasons. When you say Orthodox, I am assuming you are including everyone. When I say it, I am really referring only to the Ultra-Orthodox. Can you give me an estimate of what percentage of them still practice it?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:35:36 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 14:21:42 2011.

So you would take her side if she was not a journalist, but since she was you believe she was wrong. I'm sorry I just don't see the difference. I guess the reason is that you think she was just creating a story when there is none, and I believe the story has been there for 30 years just waiting to be revealed. She did the right thing in doing so, and judging how this story has been picked up around the world, I would guess that others agree.

As I said, I have no problem with someone asking her to change seats. The problem I have is when the bus driver told the Post reporter that the bus will not move until she does. Then it becomes an order, not a request.

I can't imagine someone who is not Orthodox responding in the manner you have. There also is a big difference in being Orthodox and being Ultra-Orthodox which is really what we are tlking about. From what I've seen most Orthodox who are not Ultra-Orthodox think this whole thing of separating men from women is stupid in the first place. What is preventing them from being attracted to a non-Orthodox woman? And why do some Ultra-Orthodox see nothing wrong with going to prostitutes as long as they are not Jewish? The whole thing seems hypocritical to me.

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Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:41:37 2011, in response to Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 14:26:29 2011.

You are asking the wrong question. It is not this case that is the issue. The issue is anyone who might board and who wouldn't want to sit where they are told they have to sit. What if there are only seats in the front with the men and her other choice is to stand? You haven't addressed that? That would be just one case where someone would be harmed. A non-Orthodox woman might just resent someone telling her where to sit. That would be another instance.

The issue isn't whether most people want to self-segregate or not. Of course they can do whatever they want. You are missing the issue.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:43:46 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Tue Oct 25 12:55:12 2011.

Sorry, don't see the connection.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by LAG Driver on Tue Oct 25 17:47:55 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Tue Oct 25 13:38:35 2011.

I did not wish for anything. If I had a choice I would have the male Garbage Point assholes take their shirts off in a theatre full of women to show that they are full of shit despite trying to be all macho and shit. You know how many of those assholes try to be men and they think that we are faggots and a bunch of jews.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:49:05 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 14:02:33 2011.

You want me to name the street? Sorry I can't. It was too long ago. There were shops on one side of the street and a hotel on the other. That's as specific as I can get. But I witnessed it and asked an passerby on the street who was not Ultra-Orthodox what was going on and why were throwing rocks at him because I was so surprised and he told me.

Until that time, I had never heard of any type of violence committed by ultra-Orthodox Jews. However, since then, I have read about numerous such occurrences where they have been violent in Israel for no good reason.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 17:49:14 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:35:36 2011.

The driver wasn't right to not move the bus until she changed seats, but I still stand by my opinion. If a group of people consisting of 100% of the line's ridership voluntarily segregate, who is to make a fuss about it? Considering the reaction worldwide doesn't really put Jews in a great light, I'd rather the riders of the B110 be left to their own practice which doesn't seem to be bothering anyone than to make a big deal out of it. This journalist didn't need to get to Williamsburg as far as I can tell. What is next? Complaints the route doesn't run from Friday afternoon to Saturday evening?

The fact you think I'm Orthodox simply based on the manner of my reply is ridiculous. I grew up in the Conservative Movement, I'm the third generation to attend my "home" shul in Maryland and my grandfather has been a member of the shul since the early 1950s. I was the gabbai of my college's Conservative minyan and fought very strongly against an attempt to eliminate all the minyanim (which would have meant a huge step backwards for the women of my minyan who counted and fully participated in my minyan but wouldn't in the one that was being proposed) in favor of a "pluralistic" trichitza minyan. I was also opposed to the Orthodox minyan's attempts to make Friday night dinner at a time so early in the evening that students who were not Shomer Shabbat would have a difficult time attending services since services would be early as well. I am currently the gabbai of a traditional egalitarian "independent" minyan in Jerusalem that even allows bat-kohanim to duchen (most egalitarian minyanim do not allow that). I believe very strongly in gender egalitarianism (but not class egalitarianism) in Judaism and Jewish prayer, a view that you won't hear many Orthodox Jews taking, if any at all. On the other hand, it is a viewpoint held by many traditional Conservative Jews, regardless of whether they identify as Conservative (as I do) or as traditional egalitarian or non-denominational or whatever other terms are popular these days. Perhaps you need to reassess your opinion of me and my beliefs based on what I actually believe as opposed to what you want me to believe.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 17:51:21 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:49:05 2011.

The neighborhood would be sufficient.

You make it sound like these incidents occur far more often than they actually do.

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Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 17:54:56 2011, in response to Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:41:37 2011.

I've already said who I would side with in the circumstance you described and why I don't consider a journalist fishing for a story to be harmed. By extension, I obviously don't support the de jure segregation on a public bus line, but if the entire ridership of the B110 is ultra-Orthodox and they want to self segregate, who are you to stop them?

I don't think I'm missing anything here. OTOH, as evidenced by your inaccurate labeling me as an Orthodox Jew when my viewpoints and actions are anything but in line with what would be considered under Orthodox practice, it seems as if you want to twist what I say to fit in your viewpoint and will do so as much as necessary to achieve your goals.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Tue Oct 25 19:34:16 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 17:49:14 2011.

Complaints the route doesn't run from Friday afternoon to Saturday evening?

The NYCDOT in its initial draft was going to require the operator to run seven days per week. That requirement was struck in one of the addenda to the bid.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 21:10:44 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 17:49:14 2011.

Thanks for the very detailed description about your beliefs. I don't want you to believe anything. You are free to believe as you wish.

However I still disagree with you about what the issue is. It is not about a group's voluntary decision to segregate which what you seem to think it is.

I already explained what the issue is several times which others have agreed with (Hank, Jazumah, etc.) but you just can't seem to understand or don't want to understand.

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Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 21:14:13 2011, in response to Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 17:54:56 2011.

The journalist wasn't harmed but someone else could be. She was merely bringing the issue to light. As I already stated, what if there are only seats up front? Would a women be required to stand in the back and not sit down if that were the case?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 21:19:19 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Oct 25 17:51:21 2011.

I don't know how often these incidents occur, but it certainly was not an isolated incident if someone immediately could explain what was happening without having to ask anyone.

It was over 30 years ago. I'm not familiar with Jerusalem neighborhoods. I was only there for a few days. But the name Ben Yehudah comes to mind. That could have been the name of the shopping district. Is there such a district?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 23:15:22 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 21:19:19 2011.


I'm not familiar with Jerusalem neighborhoods. I was only there for a few days. But the name Ben Yehudah comes to mind. That could have been the name of the shopping district. Is there such a district?

Wow. You're unbelievable. Still.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 23:17:06 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 21:10:44 2011.


It is not about a group's voluntary decision to segregate which what you seem to think it is.

Yes it is. You're wrong.

I already explained what the issue is several times which others have agreed with (Hank, Jazumah, etc.)

I highly doubt either of them agreed with you, LOL!!!!!!!

but you just can't seem to understand or don't want to understand.

Much more likely is that it is YOU who doesn't understand.

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Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 01:43:39 2011, in response to Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves, posted by JAzumah on Tue Oct 25 15:06:36 2011.

The idea that God doesn't exist is a type of indoctrination too.

Which is almost completely absent outside communist countries where few people preach atheism.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 01:48:39 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:43:46 2011.

Have you never seen a tallit katan?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Oct 26 02:03:28 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 21:10:44 2011.

you just can't seem to understand or don't want to understand.

That seems to describe you more than it describes me. I understand your point. I just don't agree with it and I've explained why many times in this thread. OTOH, the fact you decided I was Orthodox based solely on the opinions expressed in this thread and can't seem to grasp the difference between a journalist seeking a story (not following up on a report of harassment as far as anyone knows) and someone trying to get somewhere who runs in to trouble, and that you call all the women who have lived in this sort of culture their entire lives and know nothing else "brainwashed", suggests that it is you who has trouble letting people be free to believe something that conflicts with your own personal beliefs.

By my metric, which respects the beliefs of the community that makes up 100% of the ridership on the B110, that ridership still has the right to self segregate. Deal with it. I've already said where I stand if someone comes along needing to get from Borough Park to Williamsburg runs into trouble on this bus.

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Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Oct 26 02:06:59 2011, in response to Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 21:14:13 2011.

The journalist wasn't harmed

Thank you

but someone else could be

Let's cross that bridge when we come to it. Unless you can somehow prove there are people who would take the B110 but are fearful of dealing with overzealous, ultra-Orthodox Jews, then no one has been harmed and it doesn't appear anyone will be harmed in the near future. There is no issue to bring to light, yet.

Would a women be required to stand in the back and not sit down if that were the case?

If this was an official kav mehadrin in Israel (none of which operate legally), then yes. Since this is a bus in the United States, obviously that doesn't apply.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 02:56:55 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by LAG Driver on Tue Oct 25 17:47:55 2011.


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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 02:59:11 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 11:59:08 2011.

OK, so who is torturing chickens?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 03:01:16 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by MCI GUY on Tue Oct 25 16:59:55 2011.

There are Jewish anti-Semites. They're called "Self-hating Jews." You are one

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by G1Ravage on Wed Oct 26 05:09:28 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 02:56:55 2011.


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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by G1Ravage on Wed Oct 26 05:15:33 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 11:40:10 2011.

Certainly, but false information sure flies fast around here!

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Oct 26 06:08:33 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 11:40:10 2011.

Then why did you not dismiss it earlier?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Oct 26 06:11:19 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 02:56:55 2011.


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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Oct 26 06:11:55 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 02:59:11 2011.

Yeah, what you said!

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by LAG Driver on Wed Oct 26 06:52:37 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 21:10:44 2011.

Why are you arguing with the guy for. Go and bitch about managment and how they are motherfuckers instead

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by MCI GUY on Wed Oct 26 07:30:22 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 03:01:16 2011.

fuck you and you best friend.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:27:55 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 02:59:11 2011.

The people who still swing them over their head until they are dead.

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Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:36:35 2011, in response to Re: ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Oct 26 02:06:59 2011.

Don't understand what you mean by kav mehadrin. Is your answer a yes or no? Would someone have to stand?

Also, what about an elderly Jewish woman who has difficulty walking and would rather sit in the first seat she can, would she not be permitted to do so and be forced to walk to the back of the bus although it would cause her hardship, or is she so used to that hardship she wouldn't even dare ask? Just something to think about. You can't really say that no one is harmed by this practice, now can you?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:38:36 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Oct 26 01:48:39 2011.

Seen people wear them, just the fringes anging out? Are you saying there are holes in them?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:40:18 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 23:15:22 2011.

Get a life!

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Re: Occupy the B110!

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:41:48 2011, in response to Re: Occupy the B110!, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 01:54:00 2011.

I'm talking about the B110

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Re: Occupy the B110!

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:42:45 2011, in response to Re: Occupy the B110!, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Tue Oct 25 15:27:31 2011.

Now that's funny.

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Re: Occupy the B110!

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:47:14 2011, in response to Re: Occupy the B110!, posted by JAzumah on Mon Oct 24 11:13:38 2011.

What if it's the peak period and all the buses are already running? Would they take an old broken down unsafe bus and rush that into service too?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by LAG Driver on Wed Oct 26 10:04:41 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:40:18 2011.

go back to doing what you are good at, bitching about the MTA

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Re: Occupy the B110!

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 26 10:06:41 2011, in response to Re: Occupy the B110!, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:47:14 2011.

Private Transportation has three sister companies that dwarf it in size. If they need the extra buses, they can get them. As for old, unsafe buses, I think you might have heard some incorrect things. They run this service as a gift to the community and in exchange, they do not torture the owner for running on Saturdays in his other divisions when needed.

Here is one of the sister companies

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Kapparos (Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line)

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 26 10:25:21 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 25 17:25:02 2011.

When you say Orthodox, I am assuming you are including everyone. When I say it, I am really referring only to the Ultra-Orthodox.

When you say "Ultra-Orthodox," I assume you mean Haredi and/or Hasidic Jews (no, they are not the same thing) who have customs above and beyond Orthodox Judaism that are not necessarily in line with Orthodox Judaism. I hate the term "Ultra-Orthodox." I mean Orthodox Jews -- those who strictly observe the religion -- who are unfairly demonized by outsiders because of customs practiced by small communities of what you call "Ultra-Orthodox" that are not representative of Orthodox Judaism as a whole.

Can you give me an estimate of what percentage of them still practice it?

No, although it is only a portion of communities that themselves constitute a small percentage of Orthodox Jews.

By the way, I've never actually seen it done and assumed from the media hoopla that the chickens were actually swung around and terrified. Here's some actual video of kapparos in action. I was surprised to see that the chicken is just held by the shoulders and lifted into the air. It's not "swung" by any means. I don't know how chickens take to heights, but the bird doesn't look too upset and is certainly less "tortured" than it would be on a typical industrial poultry farm.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 26 10:32:26 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:38:36 2011.

Seen people wear them, just the fringes anging out? Are you saying there are holes in them?

Yes, for the head. If the source of the rumor is true, I wonder why another rumor didn't get started about Orthodox men... ;)

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 26 10:41:51 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 26 09:27:55 2011.

The people who still swing them over their head until they are dead.

Which is no one. The bird has to be shechted.

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Re: Occupy the B110!

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 26 10:45:43 2011, in response to Re: Occupy the B110!, posted by BrooklynBus on Sun Oct 23 20:59:13 2011.

But doesn't everyone board through the front of the bus now? In that case the men still see the women boarding.

So men who feel the need to can avert their eyes.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Wed Oct 26 10:47:02 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 26 10:32:26 2011.


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