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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:27:36 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Mon Oct 24 01:24:53 2011.

Sorry, that sounds ridiculous. I don't believe that for a second.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:28:45 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by caine515 on Sat Oct 22 20:26:46 2011.


The only qualification a man has is he MUST wear something on his head.

Um, you were told you were wrong about that almost a year ago. How did you miss it?

See here: Re: The B110 has a website (212786)

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 01:52:56 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Sun Oct 23 21:00:48 2011.

Please point out where in this thread you have offered a meaningful contribution that is actually factually correct.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:53:54 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 01:52:56 2011.


Please point out where in this thread you have offered a meaningful contribution that is actually factually correct.


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Re: Occupy the B110!

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 01:54:00 2011, in response to Re: Occupy the B110!, posted by BrooklynBus on Sun Oct 23 20:59:13 2011.

Where? In Brooklyn or Jerusalem?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by MCI GUY on Mon Oct 24 07:27:12 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:21:20 2011.

too bad you dont havr a dick so tou could GO FUCK YOURSELF. disgrace to the jewish religion.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Kahlua on Mon Oct 24 08:21:00 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:08:58 2011.

HA! You are wrong!!!!!!

Is there a rule as to which side each family (the bride's and groom's) sits during the wedding ceremony?

In Christian ceremonies, the bride's family sits on the left, the groom's on the right. Likewise, the bride stands at the left at the altar while the groom stands to her right. In a Jewish ceremony, it's the opposite; the bride and her family are on the right, the groom and his are on the left.

Source: Theknot.com

Now ADMIT that YOU were WRONG!!!

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 08:25:18 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Kahlua on Mon Oct 24 08:21:00 2011.

In a Jewish ceremony, it's the opposite; the bride and her family are on the right, the groom and his are on the left.

I've been to quite a few Jewish weddings and have never seen such a thing. I'll be at one this Friday and can report back.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Kahlua on Mon Oct 24 08:47:26 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 08:25:18 2011.


I was at one two months ago and it was like that. However I've been to others that weren't.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 08:53:26 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Kahlua on Mon Oct 24 08:47:26 2011.

Terrapin wrote "That may be a custom, but I don't think it is very universal." What exactly is "wrong" about that statement?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by fishbowls4ever on Mon Oct 24 09:00:05 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:22:25 2011.

dude get a life

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Kahlua on Mon Oct 24 09:16:23 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 08:53:26 2011.

Well first off not much is "universal" especially when weddings are involved, however it is the norm to have a bride and grooms side.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 09:22:16 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Kahlua on Mon Oct 24 09:16:23 2011.

Based on your own post (unless you meant to write something else), even your own experience at Jewish weddings hasn't been consistent.

The "norm" at the Jewish weddings I have been to is that there are no "sides", people find open seats and take them (or in the case of Israeli weddings, just stand in a crowd around the chuppah with no separation between men and women, even when very religious people are getting married).

Seems to me you are more interested in getting after Terrapin than anything else. He might get on some people's nerves sometimes, rightly or wrongly, but you don't help your "case" by attacking for the sake of attacking.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by mtk52983 on Mon Oct 24 10:17:34 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:17:22 2011.


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Re: Occupy the B110!

Posted by R36 #9346 on Mon Oct 24 10:48:22 2011, in response to Occupy the B110!, posted by Kriston Lewis on Sun Oct 23 00:35:16 2011.

What if the bus is filled with women?

It'd be interesting to see, wouldn't it?

A group of women, say about 60 to 75 of them, all waiting at the first stop on the line. The number of women in the group would be enough to fill up all the seats plus at least 75% of the standing space, all boarding at the first stop and not getting off until the bus gets to its last stop.

And it's not just one occurrence, but multiple occurrences throughout the day, and on the last trip on Friday, double the number of women for both buses.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by mtk52983 on Mon Oct 24 10:48:55 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:00:21 2011.

Terrapin, an honest question that I am interested in your feelings about. How is it not treating women as second class citizens by prohibiting them from reading from the Torah, prohibiting them from praying at the Western Wall, or not counting them as part of a minyan?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by LRG5784 on Mon Oct 24 10:49:00 2011, in response to Joe Saitta agrees with antisemitic sentiments, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:18:38 2011.

See subject....

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 10:57:54 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by mtk52983 on Mon Oct 24 10:48:55 2011.

Women are most definitely not prohibited from praying at the Western Wall. Women are not permitted to read from the Torah at the Western Wall (a policy I do not agree with) but they are allowed to wear talitot (prayer shawls) and sing. Occasionally, men throw chairs at them from the men's section. This also isn't permitted but the Rabbi of the Western Wall tends to condone this sort of behavior when it occurs.

There is a women's prayer group that meets at the Western Wall on Rosh Chodesh called Women of the Wall (womenofthewall.org.il/) that I support, and occasionally runs into issues when the police doesn't abide by the various agreements made between WoW and the government. Historically, the Western Wall Plaza was NOT separated and the ultra-orthodox have effectively turned this important site to all Jews into an open air synagogue. I don't think that women should be arrested for holding Torah scrolls or having things thrown at them in the vicinity of the Western Wall. But to say outright that they can't pray at the Western Wall is complete BS.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:09:39 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by davidy on Sun Oct 23 23:53:27 2011.

Putting your seed anywhere but the womb is considered wasteful. Just because you can't conceive at that time, doesn't mean you're not trying. If it said anything other than that, then married couples would stop having sex after their child-bearing years have ended.

"Jewish law clearly prohibits male masturbation. This law is derived from the story of Onan (Gen. 38:8-10), who practiced coitus interruptus as a means of birth control to avoid fathering a child for his deceased brother. G-d killed Onan for this sin. Although Onan's act was not truly masturbation, Jewish law takes a very broad view of the acts prohibited by this passage, and forbids any act of ha-sh'cha'tat zerah (destruction of the seed), that is, ejaculation outside of the vagina. In fact, the prohibition is so strict that one passage in the Talmud states, "in the case of a man, the hand that reaches below the navel should be chopped off." (Niddah 13a) " http://www.jewfaq.org/sex.htm

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Re: Shaving heads

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:13:31 2011, in response to Shaving heads, posted by davidy on Sun Oct 23 22:39:21 2011.

Most of the orthodox women I know do this; or they have their regular hair so closely cropped that they could pass for a Marine Corps recruit.

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Re: Occupy the B110!

Posted by JAzumah on Mon Oct 24 11:13:38 2011, in response to Re: Occupy the B110!, posted by R36 #9346 on Mon Oct 24 10:48:22 2011.

Then, they would run extra buses. They do put on additional sections when needed. I'm sure they would enjoy such a protest financially, especially this time of year.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:16:11 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 10:57:54 2011.

I don't think that women should be arrested for holding Torah scrolls or having things thrown at them in the vicinity of the Western Wall. anywhere.


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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:21:51 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:08:58 2011.

This has been my experience. At receptions, they are also kept separate, with the spouses dancing with effigies of each other.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Railman718 on Mon Oct 24 11:23:25 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by AMoreira81 on Sat Oct 22 12:54:13 2011.

Islam does the same, however...treat women as second-class citizens.

Not really Adam some do try to follow that "custom" though i wont go any further too much hypocrisy.

I know of of men in the faith who are married and they treat thier wives as partners, as equals...

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(off topic)Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Mon Oct 24 11:24:54 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:09:39 2011.

The purpose of marrying your brother's wife if he died was to continue the family line. God killed Onan because he was trying a Smash N Dash(TM) and was jeopardizing the ability of the lineage to continue. In those days, people were dying in their 30s and 40s, so every chance counted. This had less to do with the "seed" than the purpose of the seed in that case.

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Re: (off topic)Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:27:40 2011, in response to (off topic)Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Mon Oct 24 11:24:54 2011.

I'm just quoting my source material. My comment is my interpretation of the readings (and I am far from the only person who interprets it that way).

One of the many reasons I've become a non-believer.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by mtk52983 on Mon Oct 24 11:28:41 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 10:57:54 2011.

Thank you for clarifying certain points. When I had last heard about the Women of the Wall they were being forced into a separate area away from the Wall rather than being at the Wall istelf

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:31:14 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 01:17:22 2011.

It's a public bus. In New York, there's no law against being out in public skimpily dressed. Legally, women are allowed to wander the streets topless.

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Re: (off topic)Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Mon Oct 24 11:50:46 2011, in response to Re: (off topic)Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:27:40 2011.

Understood. A lot of people are leaving on the Christian side of the fence for the same reasons.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 11:51:14 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by mtk52983 on Mon Oct 24 11:28:41 2011.

They read Torah at Robinson's Arch, they do Shacharit and Hallel in the Wall plaza. They'll be there this Friday morning for Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan. One of the WoW founders comes to the minyan that I help to run here on Shabbat and has had me over at her house for Shabbat meals on occasion.

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MCI GUY posts antisemitic garbage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 13:01:00 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by MCI GUY on Mon Oct 24 07:27:12 2011.

See here: Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line (245901)

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 13:03:17 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Kahlua on Mon Oct 24 08:21:00 2011.

Huh? I was quite obviously talking about Jewish weddings. Not Christian weddings.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 13:04:15 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by fishbowls4ever on Mon Oct 24 09:00:05 2011.

I have a great one. How about you?

Now try answering what I wrote:

Me too. With a GoPro video camera mounted to your head.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 13:04:40 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by mtk52983 on Mon Oct 24 10:17:34 2011.

Thank you.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 13:05:04 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:31:14 2011.

Hank Hank Hank. You're missing the point. Want to try again?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by LRG5784 on Mon Oct 24 13:14:20 2011, in response to MCI GUY posts antisemitic garbage, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 13:01:00 2011.

See subject....

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 13:30:25 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by mtk52983 on Mon Oct 24 10:48:55 2011.

WMATAGMOAGH addressed #2. As for #1 and #3, while they may technically be prohibitions, the way I have heard it explained, in extremely simple terms, is that women are released from these obligations (Torah study and praying with a minyan) so that they can focus on other things.

Now a separate issue is whether or not you agree that women should be focusing on those other things. All I can say is that in everyday normal Orthodox life as per the Jewish religion, women are certainly not treated as second class citizens. As people, both men and women are treated pretty well and equally. They are just assigned different tasks in life. But one is not valued over the other. And unlike in a cult, if a woman is unhappy, she has a million options open to her to rectify it.

Of course, I can not explain this anywhere nearly as well as an Orthodox rabbi can, so, as I usually do, I suggest you talk to an Orthodox rabbi if you have serious concerns that you would like to be addressed.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 14:04:30 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 13:30:25 2011.

Also, if a woman feels strongly about #1 and #3, she can join a minyan that would allow her to participate on the level she wishes to. There are plenty of women at traditional egalitarian minyanim such as Kehilat Hadar where seating is completely mixed and women and men can participate in all aspects of the service, DC Minyan where men and women sit separately but both can participate fully and a minyan is considered to be 10 men AND 10 women who come from the Orthodox world, and Shira Chadasha (in Jerusalem) where a minyan is considered to be 10 men and 10 women and women read from the Torah but can't lead certain parts of the service. There are lots of other minyanim similar to these throughout the world. A friend of mine told me last week she was hoping to start a minyan with a group of friends in Jerusalem where women would be able to read Torah but wouldn't be a "10 and 10 minyan" because some people in the group setting it up don't like being counted but want to be able to read Torah.

In short, there are lots of options. There is no rule saying an Orthodox woman has to stay Orthodox for forever.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 15:42:06 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 13:05:04 2011.

The point is, you don't have a right not to be offended, nor do you have a right not to be disrespected. If you're going to run a bus line as a public service, authorized by the city, you need to follow their rules, not your own. If you don't like it, take your ball and go home.

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ARTICLE: B110 Riders Must Demand Changes for Themselves

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 17:33:30 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Mon Oct 24 14:04:30 2011.

Click here for a very interesting read on what it is really going to take for the seating arrangements on the B110 to change. And it isn't the media taking joyrides to report on this situation or busfans on this board making gross, incorrect generalizations about Judaism and anti-Semitic comments.

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Re: (off topic)Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Oct 24 18:57:28 2011, in response to Re: (off topic)Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:27:40 2011.

None of this is the reason I've become a non-believer.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 02:32:21 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:21:51 2011.


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Re: Shaving heads

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 02:33:06 2011, in response to Re: Shaving heads, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:13:31 2011.

That's odd, because most of the orthodox women I know DON'T do this.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 02:34:49 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 15:42:06 2011.

Huh? We're talking about something that would be disrespectful. I made the statement that it would be disrespectful. If you disagree, then please explain why.

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Re: MCI GUY posts antisemitic garbage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 02:35:48 2011, in response to MCI GUY posts antisemitic garbage, posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Oct 24 13:01:00 2011.


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Re: MCI GUY posts antisemitic garbage

Posted by R 36 ML 9542 on Tue Oct 25 03:00:40 2011, in response to Re: MCI GUY posts antisemitic garbage, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 02:35:48 2011.

Go BUMP yourself. FOOL!!!!

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Re: MCI GUY posts antisemitic garbage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 03:09:26 2011, in response to Re: MCI GUY posts antisemitic garbage, posted by R 36 ML 9542 on Tue Oct 25 03:00:40 2011.

Far from it, thanks to YOU for bumping MY subthread FOR ME, you fool.

See here: Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line (245901)

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by G1Ravage on Tue Oct 25 03:29:38 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Oct 24 11:09:39 2011.


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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by hank eisenstein on Tue Oct 25 05:00:58 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 02:34:49 2011.

Whether it is disrespectful or not isn't relevant. There is no right to be respected.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 25 05:15:56 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by hank eisenstein on Tue Oct 25 05:00:58 2011.

Incorrect, Hank. Try to follow the subthread. Start here: That would be highly disrespectful, regardless of the potential for pics.

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