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Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey

Posted by TRANSIT JEFF on Sat Aug 29 03:43:45 2009, in response to Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey, posted by Flxible870b on Fri Aug 28 15:46:48 2009.

Well, if the NABI buses are bad, what are those 20 year old Flxible Metro B's? They're beyond garbage! Like I said, the NABI's are a major improvement over what's out there now. They'll get the kinks out. They always do. Everybody complains about something, with new vehicles....it's human nature. Every new transit vehicle fleet has its critics. And some people can't be satisfied no matter what you give them.

I, for one, found the NABI buses to be a vast improvement over a Flxible Metro B that's 20 years old and worn out. I'm not comparing it to a brand new Flxible Metro B 20 years ago, that's nonsense. How long the NABI's last, only time will tell. As with most things manufactured today, compared to years ago, quality has suffered. Even automobiles aren't made like they used to be. They're plastic and glue too, for the most part.

Yet, there are still many passenger and operator comforts incorporated into the new NABI's {or any other new bus} that were unheard of 20 years ago. Let's face it, in many ways, we've come a long way.


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