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Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey

Posted by ctrabs74 on Sun Sep 6 07:24:59 2009, in response to Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey, posted by rionOne on Sat Sep 5 11:47:27 2009.

I did get to ride 5326 over the Ben Franklin Bridge on the 406 yesterday morning. I was, to say the least, very impressed (though they still have a long way to go to surpass SEPTA's 8000-series New Flyers as my favorite buses). That bus has some good speed to it (and, yes, it's a C9 engine; I could tell right away from my past experiences riding NJT's Neoplan artics). The seats were a little better than the Metro B's, and it looked, from what I saw, that there was no "platform" to the NABIs compared with the Flxs.

On the flip side, I had 3149 heading back over the bridge on the 412 (yes, the 412; when's the last time a Flx showed up on that route?). At least I got what will probably be my last Flx Metro B ride.

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