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Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey

Posted by TC40102A#9167 on Sat Sep 5 12:54:09 2009, in response to Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey, posted by TC40102A#9167 on Wed Sep 2 13:30:10 2009.

PLEASE! You don't know me from a can of paint and don't dare talk about credibility because yours definitely have holes in it wider than swiss cheese. I'm not one of your friends or kids that you play with on this damn board, so don't play yourself any further. I'm a grown man, I don't talk to you that way so don't do it to me. RESPECT. Lastly. Learn to "Quote" people correctly because you can cause a lot of trouble and have problems with people due to your lack of reading comprehension and excitement that is coupled with being a pubescent teen or almost grown man. Lets act our age and respect one another on here. There is no love lost on my end.


The reason why your METRO B's down there run like that is due to DDEC settings which are not factory standard settings, that's why those buses run like SHYT! and we have quite a few of them up here and they needed the TLC they deserve, and yes I have for your information rode those damn slow ass METRO B's down there across the Ben Franklin and they are still comfortable in my opinion. I make it my purpose every time I come down to Philly, and 3000 its self is my favorite next to 3275. SOUHTH JERSEY MAINTENANCE SUCKS! If your management would listen to the operators,and the passengers if they are complaining to the right people, then mechanics would set them the right way, but that goes to show over the years what little progress has been made with that issue.



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