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Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey

Posted by TC40102A#9167 on Wed Sep 2 13:30:10 2009, in response to Re: NJT NABI buses will start to arrive in South Jersey, posted by rionOne on Tue Sep 1 21:05:33 2009.

Very Well said Trevor. I couldn't agree more. Like I said in an earlier post I want to truly see how long this love affair is going to last. I would rather ride a 20+ year old bus that is going to get to my destination on time versus and brand new bus that is not capable of getting me there because of quality control issues. Speed and nice HVAC is not everything. Dependability and on time performance is what matters to me as a passenger. No one has time on their watches to play guinea pig to the biggest experiment going wrong in regards to public transportation and this is exactly whats going on in a lot cities across the country. From an operations standpoint when I hear various bus operators voicing their like and dislikes of these buses I just honestly have great concern when they are asking for the older buses because of the core concept of DEPENDABILITY.


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