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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Tue Jun 20 20:04:46 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by J to 168th St - Jamaica on Tue Jun 20 17:07:32 2006.

Blonde haired, blue eyed white women are considered trophies to black men.

They're harder to aquire and they tend to be prettier.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Tue Jun 20 20:06:41 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Howard Fein on Tue Jun 20 13:07:56 2006.

Not true! Two of my wife's brothers are married to Latinas.

Just as a curious question? How "white" looking are these Latinas? I'd take a guess and say they're relatively white-looking with few features of African decent.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by orange blossom special on Tue Jun 20 20:10:09 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Tue Jun 20 20:06:41 2006.

And what exactly is the american definition of Latino? Is it that Jewish guy whose the host of Sabago Giagante? Ever see that show, or go to Miami? Some of those people are whiter than I am.
Recently I was working with a girl with an irish first name, and spanish last name. If it weren't for the last name, I would've had no clue. But afterwards I guess you notice little things possibly.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by orange blossom special on Tue Jun 20 20:14:31 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by orange blossom special on Tue Jun 20 20:10:09 2006.

I thought the name sounded irish, but it's pulling up spanish stuff on google.

And...how werid. Just typing in the chicks first name gave me her myspace page in 2 clicks. Damn she was hot. She's with some random looking a-hole in every photo.

Brazilian apparently.

Which isn't spanish.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Tue Jun 20 20:15:02 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by orange blossom special on Tue Jun 20 20:10:09 2006.

And what exactly is the american definition of Latino? Is it that Jewish guy whose the host of Sabago Giagante? Ever see that show, or go to Miami? Some of those people are whiter than I am.

Shush, don't let the Anglos know that their term Latino is a silly concept that only ties together people because they speak Spanish.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by orange blossom special on Tue Jun 20 20:21:23 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Tue Jun 20 20:15:02 2006.

I feel the same way about "white" too!
But you get the whites from Venezula or Brazil. Cuba, and then they're latino.

Maybe it's mexicans and puerto ricans that put it into everyones heads.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 20:30:17 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Tue Jun 20 20:06:41 2006.

Not true! Two of my wife's brothers are married to Latinas.

Just as a curious question? How "white" looking are these Latinas? I'd take a guess and say they're relatively white-looking with few features of African decent.

Which brings up a point others have noted, and which I have noticed myself once I read about it. Even though there's supposedly a high intermarriage (and, presumably inter-dating) rate between whites and Hispanics, I don't see very many mixed white-Hispanic couples. Some, to be sure, but not the numbers one would expect.
Two theories have been proposed for this gap between numbers and observations:
1. Most of the white-Hispanic mixing takes place in parts of the country where there isn't a big Hispanic population, where the sense of Hispanics as a "minority" isn't well-developed, and therefore there really aren't many white-Hispanic couples to be seen in places like New York, California, Florida etc.
2. Most of the Hispanic partners in mixed relationships are light-skinned, and therefore the interracial nature of the relationships isn't always apparent to the casual observer.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by BMT Guy on Tue Jun 20 22:04:48 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by David of Broadway on Tue Jun 20 18:16:19 2006.

And your make sure all your PPE's are kosher....


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by SilverFox on Tue Jun 20 22:35:36 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Jun 20 05:22:45 2006.

Then there are proportionally more JAPs, head cases, man-haters, career types, "special needs," and intermarriers, raising the sphere of eligibles only marginally.

Why is it that I've never found problems with cattiness, indifference, and other "maintenance" issues with Gentiles? Yet I still feel hard-wired into wanting to marry a Jewish girl.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by SilverFox on Tue Jun 20 22:39:27 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by RonInBayside on Tue Jun 20 10:24:00 2006.

Trust me: Spinsters. One of them even said as much.

Either the bubbly kindergarten teacher type, "My name is Ethel. What's yours?" or the kind that narrow the sphere of eligibles to one man she can't even describe, who probably doesn't attend the events she does.

And I am six years their junior. Soon to be five. Older women frighten me.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 22:48:06 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Tue Jun 20 20:03:36 2006.

Just as an anecdotal sidenote, most of my black male friends seem to have no qualms about dating white women for short or long term relationships. In contrast, my white male friends seem to be adverse to dating black women and generally don't find them attractive.

Some anthopologists say that the male preference for lighter-skinned women is almost universal worldwide. And this doesn't necessarily mean interracial relationships; even within racial groups, of all different skin colors, men seem to have this preference. In some cases the differences can be very slight, but they are important when it comes to male choice.
One theory is that light skin on a woman is a sign that she doesn't do much outside agricultural labor and therefore is "refined." Another possibility is that the lighter skin shows that a woman has sufficient subcutaneous fat to make her fertile.
Interestingly, Steve Sailer has pointed out that in movies there's almost a universal preference for the lead actress to have lighter skin than the lead actor, especially when a romantic relationship is involved. He says that one reason why Nicole Kidman has had such a successful acting career is that her very pale skin makes her appear lighter than almost any actor without the need for extensive makeup.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 22:50:56 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by SilverFox on Tue Jun 20 22:35:36 2006.

Then there are proportionally more JAPs, head cases, man-haters, career types, "special needs," and intermarriers, raising the sphere of eligibles only marginally.
Why is it that I've never found problems with cattiness, indifference, and other "maintenance" issues with Gentiles?

Heh. Back in my single days I dated several women who had "maintenance" issues galore. And none of them were Jewish.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 22:59:20 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Jun 20 11:46:27 2006.

You mean MILF's (although some of them may not actually be mothers.)

I must add a correction. Many people use the term MILF to mean any still-hott older woman who has children. Technically speaking, however, there must be a significant age gap - a generation, ideally - between the speaker and the subject. For instance, you can call a 40-year-old woman a MILF only if you're no older than your early 20's.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by orange blossom special on Tue Jun 20 23:10:32 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 20:30:17 2006.

A wikipedia article about the hometown of some chick that I randomlly know from Myspace(how the hell did i find that site?)

"Curitiba officially became a town in 1842. Growth was based on the cattle trade, being half way between cattle breeding country to the South and markets to the North. Waves of European immigrants started arriving after 1850, mainly Germans, Italians and Poles."

It all really confuses the hell outta me, because I don't know if these people acknowledge their european roots like we do. Which must be why it confuses me. I can guess it's not like French Canadians.

"São Paulo is a major business centre. The city has a multicultural metropolitan area, with heavy Italian, Spaniard, Portuguese, German, Arab and Japanese influences."

And don't forget the former President of Peru, A japanese guy in exile, but his daughter is involved in this coming election cycle!

It's all very interesting. Haven't figured out how to explore it any further though, unless I learned another language and read their books maybe.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 23:16:17 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by orange blossom special on Tue Jun 20 23:10:32 2006.

It all really confuses the hell outta me, because I don't know if these people [from Brazil] acknowledge their european roots like we do.

I've heard that many Brazilians maintain they are white even when they're obviously not. The precise opposite from the practice here in the United States, where many people claim to be nonwhite even when they look completely white.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by SilverFox on Tue Jun 20 23:19:18 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Howard Fein on Tue Jun 20 13:38:30 2006.

I'm about as nonreligious as they come, but felt compelled to date Jewish women because my parents (equally nonreligious) stated if I took up with a non-Jew, they would have nothing to do with her- or me.

AHA! Here is the crux of the problem!!! My mother said many years ago she would sit shiva (mourn over me as if I had died) for me if I married a shiksa (which is actually a very derogatory way of saying "Non-Jewish woman," along the lines of the N-word for blacks. "Shaygets" is the equivalent for a non-Jewish man). My Dad had similar, yet less inflammatory sentiments. And what gives them the right to dictate that??? Like my marrying a Jew will bring back the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust and give our culture one less thing to whine about; and marrying a non-Jew will help finish Hitler's job.

Especially since an overwhelming majority of the non-Orthodox MOTs fit into my negative stereotypes as well as these winners: the chain smokers; the C.T.s; the gold-diggers; the 250-pounders wearing a Size 8; the manic-depressives; the total airheads; those who are perpetually "between jobs"; those that complain about their ex-boyfriends to you; the trick question trap-setters ("If we had sex right now, would you use a condom?"); the nitpickers; the biological clock-watchers who only want to meet a man as a means of having a baby; or any combination of these- many of them also fitting the descriptions you've [c]ited above. [you forgot JAPs, but it seems more than amply covered as an omnibus description of all of the above]

It's [nice] to know that there still are others in my predicament. For a second I thought I was the last. Now, I don't think I am crazy anymore.

A Lubavitcher rabbi I knew in college said words to the effect of, "It is not prejudiced for a Jew to want to marry a Jew if it is for purposes of perpetuating the faith, religion, tradition, and culture. The only time it is considered prejudiced is if the person demanding it isn't religious or close to the faith themselves."

To complicate matters, many Orthodox Jews consider me a "Shaygets" for not being religious. If they have disdain for me and my ways, why should I have respect for theirs?

And as I've mentioned in the lead post of the thread, based specifically on the rabbi's quote, I find it hypocritical on so many levels for non-religious families to demand anything of the sort from their nubile children.

However, as has been mentioned by someone above, in my nearly seven-year relationship with my Catholic (now ex) Girlfriend, holiday times were especially stressful for the exact reasons cited; and we didn't have children to worry about. The holidays were conflicting, with opposite aims and celebratory styles; and neither of us wanted to, or had any real obligation to, dilute them to suit the other's sensibility. They were time spent alone in our respective camps rather than together enjoying each other's company.

I can't imagine the rings-around-the-rosey families with children do at the holidays, and how they force themselves to tolerate the contortions and truncations.

The philosophical questions I have are: Is "love" worth the risk of such stress, strain, and alienation of many people in two families? Are we so above (in the case of Judaism) over 5,000 years of heritage to change its course for our family over our selfish freedoms? Is it all just a crock of shit and everybody from all religions, races, nationalities, et al should miscegenate randomly and without regard to pedigree? Or do dog and horse and other animal breeders have it right -- that it is good for the species to maintain pedigrees to the maximum extent possible, creating mixes under controlled conditions?

It's THESE kinds of questions that fill my mind to the point of frustration over not being able to answer them adequately enough to do the right thing for myself, much less my prospective bride, and our families.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by orange blossom special on Tue Jun 20 23:45:45 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 23:16:17 2006.

I didn't mean Brazil specificially, but that's interesting. Some of those people look as white as I do.
Maybe the Census has something to do with it. Their catagories are a sham!
"Hispanic (Spanish: Hispano) is a term denoting a derivation from Spain, her people and culture. It follows the same style of use as Anglo indicates a derivation of England and the English."
What the heck does that mean? All those people came from Spain?

Interesting to note that if you type in Hispanic on Wikipedia, there's a map showing the same thing you're saying. That side of South American isn't filled in. But the SW US is.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Jun 21 07:16:31 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by G1Ravage on Tue Jun 20 17:43:37 2006.

Then again, it may be considered "official uniform"...

As a substitute for the uniform cap?


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by South Brooklyn Railway on Wed Jun 21 07:32:18 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 22:50:56 2006.

Thats the problem with some women, there High Maintenance.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by RonInBayside on Wed Jun 21 08:05:05 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 22:59:20 2006.

One should note that a woman who has a child was attractive to somebody - and often the reasons why she was attractive still hold.

Among my friends are four single moms who are at least 40. They are all very intelligent, attractive, comely women. Ironically, the oldest one (57, a recent widow) is dating; two others are available, and one is scarred emotionally - she's hiding from herself...I consider their kids a plus...but a lot of guys, shortsighted as they are, do not.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Jun 21 08:24:34 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by South Brooklyn Railway on Wed Jun 21 07:32:18 2006.

How do you know?


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by SilverFox on Wed Jun 21 12:48:49 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by RonInBayside on Wed Jun 21 08:05:05 2006.

One should note that a woman who has a child was attractive to somebody - and often the reasons why she was attractive still hold.

And to take the brutally cynical albeit just as likely side, sometimes the only reason she has kids is because she is a whore who couldn't keep her legs shut and became damaged goods by being knocked up, and didn't want the daddy around afterward. Lots of chicks with kids have absolutely no business being parents, but sex feels too good and it is too much trouble to ask themselves or their boyfriends to engage in it responsibly.

Either that, or they chose their first husband for the wrong head, and now that he can't get it up or she can't get it wet, or one or both of them got bored, one of them got thrown out of the nest. And their attitude is that YOU have the problem for not understanding their circumstances.

I'm not anti-sex. I'm just anti-reckless carelessness.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by American Pig on Wed Jun 21 15:00:16 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Mon Jun 19 21:46:27 2006.

And yet people from "Hispania" (Spain and Portugal) are not Hispanic.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by American Pig on Wed Jun 21 15:04:20 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by orange blossom special on Tue Jun 20 20:10:09 2006.

Recently I was working with a girl with an irish first name, and spanish last name.

The opposite of Bernardo O'Higgins.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by American Pig on Wed Jun 21 15:11:57 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by David of Broadway on Tue Jun 20 15:42:31 2006.

What if Shalom Harlow founded a pizza place?


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by American Pig on Wed Jun 21 15:13:09 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by New Brunswick Station on Tue Jun 20 14:05:00 2006.

Anglophone is not the antonym of Orthodox Union.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by American Pig on Wed Jun 21 15:14:33 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 13:46:39 2006.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by American Pig on Wed Jun 21 15:32:23 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by South Brooklyn Railway on Wed Jun 21 07:32:18 2006.

where high maintenance?


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by South Brooklyn Railway on Wed Jun 21 15:44:35 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by American Pig on Wed Jun 21 15:32:23 2006.

That's what I hearfd from someone, not really sure if it is, sorry.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by American Pig on Wed Jun 21 15:48:35 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by SilverFox on Tue Jun 20 23:19:18 2006.

If you find your parents' advice so annoying, why do you try to heed it?

If your parents are your financial support, then you can focus on getting out of that rut first.

If not, either they'll still love you no matter what you do, or their love for you is conditional and you're better off keeping your distance.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by BMT Guy on Wed Jun 21 18:07:04 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 22:50:56 2006.

Exactly, the "maintenance" issues I found in dating tends to do more with upbringing and economic status rather than a females particular racial or religious persuasian.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by BMT Guy on Wed Jun 21 18:07:35 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Peter Rosa on Tue Jun 20 22:50:56 2006.

Exactly, the "maintenance" issues I found in dating tends to do more with upbringing and economic status rather than a females particular racial or religious persuasian.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by G1Ravage on Thu Jun 22 05:50:56 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Jun 21 07:16:31 2006.

As a religious substitute for any headgear, I believe.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Howard Fein on Thu Jun 22 07:23:11 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Tue Jun 20 20:06:41 2006.

They both have fair-to-medium complexions, but their facial features leave little doubt that they're Latina. One is Peruvian and had to learn English from my brother-in-law as she went along. The other, while raised in NYC and fluent in English, is of Dominican descent. Her father and stepmother, may they rest, only spoke Spanish.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by David of Broadway on Thu Jun 22 07:25:36 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by G1Ravage on Thu Jun 22 05:50:56 2006.

Which is a little strange, since the Jewish custom for men to cover their heads doesn't specify a particular head covering. Any headgear will serve the purpose.

What about married women? Is there an MTA-approved sheitel?


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by RonInBayside on Thu Jun 22 10:27:00 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by SilverFox on Wed Jun 21 12:48:49 2006.

I agree that there are too many women for whom the options you just stated are true. That makes those women hypocrites, obviously.

I once asked an ER nurse why she was bitching and moaning about not finding any nice guys to go out with. They are all jerks, in her opinion. "So what do you really want in a man?" I asked.

"He has to be a skier," was the first thing she said in reply.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by RonInBayside on Thu Jun 22 10:29:19 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by David of Broadway on Thu Jun 22 07:25:36 2006.

"Any headgear will serve the purpose"

McDonald's server hat, "I'm with Stupid" baseball cap, school dunce cap, astronaut helmet,salvage diver helmet, Saturday Night Live Conehead cap...


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Peter Rosa on Thu Jun 22 10:58:31 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by RonInBayside on Thu Jun 22 10:27:00 2006.

I once asked an ER nurse why she was bitching and moaning about not finding any nice guys to go out with. They are all jerks, in her opinion. "So what do you really want in a man?" I asked.
"He has to be a skier," was the first thing she said in reply.

Are ski lodges sausage parties? If so, there's an obvious solution.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jun 22 13:15:44 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by David of Broadway on Thu Jun 22 07:25:36 2006.

So if you wear a baseball cap, do you have to were the yarmulke underneath?
Also, how come a lot of Jewish men don't do that, and only wear it on oocasiouns like going to synagogue, or something?

What't the whole reason for having to wear that to begin with?


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by BMT Guy on Thu Jun 22 17:39:48 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by SilverFox on Tue Jun 20 23:19:18 2006.

If two people really LOVE each other in the true sense of the word -- sharing and caring EQUALLY in all there undertakings -- then why should religious, cultural or even economic pressures destroy what they share together. My parents did it, and millions have too.

If you REALLY LOVE someone and that love is STRONG between the two of you --with all your heart -- then you should have the strength to say "F--K what everyone else thinks" and go with your heart.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by American Pig on Thu Jun 22 22:17:21 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jun 22 13:15:44 2006.

So if you wear a baseball cap, do you have to were the yarmulke underneath?

No, some people do, but it makes no sense. Well, possibly some sense: You can take off your cap and have an alternative head covering and not have to use pocket space for the yarmulke.

Also, how come a lot of Jewish men don't do that, and only wear it on oocasiouns like going to synagogue, or something?

Because they're not as observant.

What't the whole reason for having to wear that to begin with?

I forget.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by R7 Torresdale Express on Thu Jun 22 22:32:07 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by David of Broadway on Tue Jun 20 17:52:02 2006.

They sent an E up CPW?


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by David of Broadway on Thu Jun 22 22:56:17 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by R7 Torresdale Express on Thu Jun 22 22:32:07 2006.

I'm not David of CPW.

They sent an E up Broadway.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by R7 Torresdale Express on Thu Jun 22 23:16:58 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by David of Broadway on Thu Jun 22 22:56:17 2006.

Heavens to mergatroy! I hope the platforms are okay!


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jun 23 00:50:48 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by American Pig on Thu Jun 22 22:17:21 2006.

I forget.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jun 23 00:51:25 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Jun 22 13:15:44 2006.

What't the whole reason for having to wear that to begin with?

To remind you that G-d is above you.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jun 23 00:58:23 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by BMT Guy on Thu Jun 22 17:39:48 2006.

and screw yourself forever


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by G1Ravage on Fri Jun 23 01:40:55 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Jun 23 00:51:25 2006.

It reminds me that G-d is on my head, doing bad things to my hair.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by RonInBayside on Fri Jun 23 07:01:48 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Howard Fein on Tue Jun 20 13:38:30 2006.

"I'm about as nonreligious as they come, but felt compelled to date Jewish women because my parents (equally nonreligious) stated if I took up with a non-Jew, they would have nothing to do with her- or me. This can be blamed on my oldest brother, who had a fifteen-year marriage with a devout Catholic that yielded four kids they couldn't afford. It also planted the idea in my folks' head that non-Jewish women are nasty and crazy, just like their then daughter-in-law. Of course, there are NO nasty or crazy Jewish women, are there-? "

That's one of the worst things a parent can do to a child. Disowning someone because of whom he/she chooses to marry (the asumption I am making is that the would-be spouse isn't endangering the safety of the other spouse or others).


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Fri Jun 23 07:28:40 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by R7 Torresdale Express on Thu Jun 22 23:16:58 2006.

FOrget the platforms, whatabout the train!

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