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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:04:06 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 18:23:51 2006.

But he or she has the right to interpret his or her Judaism to see how he or she sees fit.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:10:10 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 16:54:16 2006.

Truth is not based on religion. Truth is out there, no matter what humans or G-d or gods or goddesses or angels or demons or monkeys or old scribblings say about truth. That's why science exists - it is a hunt for truth, just like religious spirituality is. Both go about it in different ways. However, when spirituality gets bogged down in dogma, it becomes religion (religiare= "to bind"), and thus it winds up getting potentially lost in the hunt for truth.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 19:12:06 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 18:59:11 2006.

Judaism is prescientific



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:12:16 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Sun Jun 25 07:49:33 2006.

All religions are essentially overgrown cults. Just remember that.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:13:15 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 19:12:06 2006.

Based on hearsay allegedly from G-d. Prescientific all right.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:15:04 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 18:02:45 2006.

What's a din't?


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 19:16:52 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:13:15 2006.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 19:17:04 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:15:04 2006.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:18:46 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 19:17:04 2006.



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:19:50 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 19:16:52 2006.

believe what you wanna believe. Doesn't make it any less prescientific.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:23:13 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 11:30:25 2006.

Yes, but Brian overstates the case for Jewish women by saying that not marrying one is equivalent to a "clean break with 3000-year old tradition". It breaks part of tradition, true, but it does NOT nullify tradition! It just means, technically, part of tradition has fallen! Besides, Jews 3000 years ago didn't use cars, or television sets, or light bulbs...


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Sun Jun 25 19:25:05 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Terrapin Station on Sun Jun 25 18:57:15 2006.

Not necessarily. Other religions believe it was also done through Jesus, or Mohommad, or Buddah, or whoever. Some believe the Mohommad teachings overtake the previous. Some believe Jesus' teachings overtake the previous.
Some have an entirely other set of occurances that is the "truth".

Who is to say one is wrong and the other is correct? The Jews think they are correct, the Christians think they are correct, the Islamists think they are correct, the Buddists think they are correct.

No one has some sort of proof that they are correct and the others are wrong. They may all be wrong.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:28:00 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Sun Jun 25 19:25:05 2006.

Terp would still whine, "false".


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Sun Jun 25 19:28:42 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:13:15 2006.

What's this G dash d stuff?


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by orange blossom special on Sun Jun 25 19:29:02 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Sun Jun 25 19:25:05 2006.

The buddists have a more philosphopical worldy, everythings connected in the universe approach than the others. Possibly Hindu too, but I have a touch time with theirs.

The other 3 that you mention are more of some ancient book telling you what you do should, how you should do it, and what you shouldn't do or you'll be eternally punished.

One is feng shui-ish, the other is a chinese instruction manual on how to build furniture. Where the engrish isn't clear enough to have many interpretations, and there are strict followerers who will smite you if you use the wrong size screw.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Fred G on Sun Jun 25 19:34:14 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by SilverFox on Sat Jun 24 12:06:02 2006.

Some parents just don't know when to let go and view their children as peers rather than their children. I see it in my own family, both immediate and in each ring outside of the core. I think it may be because childrearing was the high point of their lives and they're reluctant to let go of the control. Or maybe they're just fuckheads, the jury's still out. :D

When your parents lean on you like that, lean back and remind them that it's going to be you and not some rabbi who's bringing them magazines at "The Home". Yeah, you know, creamed corn and you can't wait until someone visits you, aka their children.

Faith; you either got it or ya don't. If you do, like Brian does, follow through and take it to its logical conclusions. If you don't have the faith, then don't have it and not mince words and go through some phony motions. Faith is real belief, not just mechanics. That said, go forth and find a woman that you love and marry her, not just someone who fits the 'specs'. Tribalism be damned; it's a big world out there and it's 2006, not 450 BC.

your pal,


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by orange blossom special on Sun Jun 25 19:39:07 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Fred G on Sun Jun 25 19:34:14 2006.

*That said, go forth and find a woman that you love and marry her, not just someone who fits the 'specs'.*

I've been doing some research on womens specs on the internets, and I think I figured out the types of women I would like.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by orange blossom special on Sun Jun 25 19:40:28 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by BMT Guy on Sun Jun 25 14:10:18 2006.

Crap, I've been robbed. I'm more eccentric than creative.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by orange blossom special on Sun Jun 25 19:45:37 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by New Brunswick Station on Sun Jun 25 19:23:13 2006.

Actually, Jews invented the TV 3000 years ago. But it got destroyed because the romans had a stricter moral FCC than we do today..

Why do you think Hollywood is a magnet today?

This thread got me thinking today, don't know what it is about this thread, but what if you were a full jew, or a half, and you married a half jew? Are you reclaiming them? or whatever.
Genetically, it is possible the kid can be 100% and not get any of the outside genes.
And some more insane theories you can follow through.


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Fred G on Sun Jun 25 19:46:01 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by orange blossom special on Sun Jun 25 19:39:07 2006.

Don't tell me, 8x10 glossies with circles and arrows on the back...

your pal,


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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Peter Rosa on Sun Jun 25 20:03:07 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Sun Jun 25 19:25:05 2006.

No one has some sort of proof that they are correct and the others are wrong. They may all be wrong.

Some years back I came across a pamphlet, written by fundamentalist Christians, that said it was designed to prove to skeptics that the Bible was literally true. I picked it up out of curiosity and began to read. What proof could they offer that would convince anyone that the Bible's the true word of God?
It somehow did not surprise me that the pamphlet's proof of Biblical truth consisted entirely of quotes from the Bible. In other words, the Bible is true because it says it's true. Now, keeping in mind that the pamphlet said right in the introduction that it was aimed at skeptics, and not at true believers who already accept the truth of the Bible, I'd say it failed miserably. There is historical, non-religious evidence as to the existence of Jesus, surely other Biblical claims also can be proven historically, why not rely on that sort of stuff?



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Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage

Posted by Fred G on Sun Jun 25 20:07:11 2006, in response to Re: The Jewish Woman Shortage, posted by Peter Rosa on Sun Jun 25 20:03:07 2006.

Haha, Sister Walburga told me in 6th grade that "Christians don't understand, Christians believe". And so it goes...

your pal,

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