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Re: Here's the statement from the NYCLU.

Posted by Broadway Lion on Sat Jul 19 14:12:43 2008, in response to Re: Here's the statement from the NYCLU., posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Sat Jul 19 12:47:44 2008.

The LION was stopped by the cops this summer.

It went down like this...

I was shooting from the inside RFW on the (1) north to 242nds Street.
But the T/O could see the little amber light sensor on my camera and called it in.

At 96th Street my batteries crapped out after the doors closed, but what do you know! The doors opened again, so I got out to find me a dealer in batteries. But two police officers approached me and asked about my photography, and asked for an ID card. I handed the officer my license, and he says "You are from North Dakota?" And I tell him my story while the other runs the ID. Yes I come into the city each summer to photograph subway trains. I hand him my folder that shows pictures of my subway layout. We shoot the breeze for a while then they give me my ID back and tell me to have a nice day.

I go up to the street to buy batteries, and then continue shooting my way up to 242nd Street.

At 242nd Street some train cleaner makes noise at me from across the track on the other platform. I tell him to go call his supervisor. The supervisor does appear, and we talk for some time. He is cool with the photography, and even suggests another place along the line that would also make interesting photographs.



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