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Re: Here's the statement from the NYCLU.

Posted by BMTLines on Sun Jul 20 11:17:12 2008, in response to Re: Here's the statement from the NYCLU., posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Sat Jul 19 16:05:09 2008.

The MTA could change the law at any time.

It's not that easy. For one thing it is not an MTA or NYC rule - it is a state law. (NYCRR = New York Code Rules and Regulations). Therefore it would need legislative support for any change to be made.

If the MTA thought they had difficulty changing it three years ago - imagine the trouble they would have now. Artists and photographers organized to fight the proposed MOFTB rules last year. In fact they were able to get over 70,000 petition signatures in 3 days to stop the first proposal. The organizations and connections that were formed as a result of that fight have remained in place and will continue to fight restrictions anywhere.

By the way it isn't just railfans who take pictures or like the railfan view. I took this picture with my cellphone cam (hence the poor quality) of two girls that were looking out the disabled* railfan window of an R-160 last night. The girl on the left was using a NIKON D200 (wish I had that camera).


If the MTA were to even mention the words "photo ban" ever again a coalition of artists, photographers, civil libertarians, etc would come together so fast that they would never have a chance to pass it.

*I call it the disabled railfan window since it no longer gives a clear view...


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