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Re: Cliven Bundy Arrested!

Posted by bingbong on Thu Feb 11 21:54:53 2016, in response to Cliven Bundy Arrested!, posted by italianstallion on Thu Feb 11 16:35:34 2016.

Lulz. Yeah Lulz. With a capital L.

Do you actually think that someone that owns a ranch, which includes a home, land, structures and equipment as well as livestock is gong to qualify for a public defender? Lulz!

Her's how it works in America. The American taxpayer is willing to pay for the defense in court of *indigent* criminal defendants. Guess what?

You are NOT indigent.

Right about now, they're probably telling you about liquidation. Yeah, that's how it works in America. Get to face a criminal indictment, get ready for a lifestyle change. Sell the ranch, the house...oh you didn't have it in your wife's name too? Looks like you are gonna have to forfeit it all....could have saved a lotta bacon (half the post-creditors value, IIRC) if you weren't such a patricharcal Mormon moron prick. Guess you'll have to pay for not treating her as an actual human adult instead of a walking uterus. Lulz.

So.....once you sell everything your family owns of any value....which includes the gun collection BTW....you get to pay off any creditors first, then the government lien on you for those millions of unpaid grazing fees gets satisfied, THEN you can buy counsel to get you out of the mess of your own making.

Should the legal bills exceed your net worth at that point, then you can apply for and receive publicly funded counsel.

Should have thought about this before you didn't pay your bills. Payback is a bitch. Welcome to your section 8 apartment retirement, seeing your kids chose to follow in your cloven footsteps and are languished in in the next cell block. That is, when you're released from Federal prison. Lulz.


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