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Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 09:21:28 2011

“We are reaching out to the company about this alleged incident to ask for its response, with the expectation that it will take steps to prevent the occurrence of incidents of this nature,"

You mean the alleged incident that has been going on since I discovered the line in 1996? THAT one?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by RailBus63 on Wed Oct 19 09:41:15 2011, in response to Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 09:21:28 2011.

I'm not a fan of stunts like this. That woman deliberately sat in front to cause trouble. There are ways to get this story without violating the customs of others.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 19 09:48:06 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RailBus63 on Wed Oct 19 09:41:15 2011.

That woman deliberately sat in front to cause trouble.

Not necessarily. Most people just take the first available seat instead of walking to the back.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 19 09:50:23 2011, in response to Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 09:21:28 2011.

AFAICT, none of the men asking her to move were official spokesmen of the company, and there are no posted rules about who can sit where. Should it be the operator's duty to intervene in a dispute between passengers?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by NIMBYkiller on Wed Oct 19 11:17:30 2011, in response to Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 09:21:28 2011.

The driver was the only company official on that bus and he never told her that she couldn't sit up front, so what's the point in calling Private Transportation? It's the passengers who told her

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 11:35:46 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RailBus63 on Wed Oct 19 09:41:15 2011.

I understand your point, but the thing is that these folks know this is illegal for them to do. We had a discussion here last year that centered around the fact that the seating arrangement was "voluntary" and I am sure that this is what the reporter was told. NYS threatened to pull a subsidy from one of the Jewish carriers upstate if they continued to "enforce" such a system and if I knew about that incident, then I'm sure the B110 operators know too.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 19 11:37:20 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 11:35:46 2011.

NYS threatened to pull a subsidy from one of the Jewish carriers upstate if they continued to "enforce" such a system and if I knew about that incident, then I'm sure the B110 operators know too.

Private doesn't have a subsidy to pull.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Wed Oct 19 11:46:07 2011, in response to Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 09:21:28 2011.

So could a private bus line's passenger also be able to legally "enforce" an informal colored in the back, white in the front policy? Kinda scary if so.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 11:49:59 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 19 09:50:23 2011.

Yes, in this case. We already had a copy of the rabbis' edict on the B110 bus schedule, but it was published only in Hebrew.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 11:54:00 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 19 11:37:20 2011.

You are correct. They would threaten to pull the franchise, but Private would save themselves $22k and the headache by running their buses as charters.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by LAG Driver on Wed Oct 19 11:55:12 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 19 11:37:20 2011.

Possible to revoke the franchise and give it to the Garbage Point assholes with a subsidy. That would pull some payots LOL (NOTE: no antisemitism intended)

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 11:55:57 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Osmosis Jones on Wed Oct 19 11:46:07 2011.

Yes, but the USDOJ would put a stop to it even if the city did not. However, they are waiting on a complaint.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 19 12:10:02 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 11:49:59 2011.

We already had a copy of the rabbis' edict on the B110 bus schedule, but it was published only in Hebrew.

Yiddish, and we've been through that before.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 12:44:44 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 19 12:10:02 2011.

Yes we have. The only difference here is that the city seems clueless on the issue.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by orange blossom special on Wed Oct 19 12:50:30 2011, in response to Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 09:21:28 2011.

So? America is no longer accommodating, just only to certain groups?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by RailBus63 on Wed Oct 19 12:58:25 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 19 09:48:06 2011.

It seems evident from the way the article was written (i.e., she was asked by the newspaper to ride the bus) that she knew what she was doing when she sat in the front.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 13:13:15 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RailBus63 on Wed Oct 19 12:58:25 2011.

I agree with your assessment.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by RIPTA42HopeTunnel on Wed Oct 19 14:35:33 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RailBus63 on Wed Oct 19 12:58:25 2011.

It seems evident from the way the article was written (i.e., she was asked by the newspaper to ride the bus) that she knew what she was doing when she sat in the front.

I didn't see that before. It looks like the World left out that bit of information, but it made it into VosIzNeias.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BusMgr on Wed Oct 19 18:37:58 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by RailBus63 on Wed Oct 19 09:41:15 2011.

So Rosa Parks should be criticized?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by The Silence on Wed Oct 19 19:01:25 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BusMgr on Wed Oct 19 18:37:58 2011.

No one set Rosa Parks up.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by The Silence on Wed Oct 19 19:07:28 2011, in response to Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 09:21:28 2011.

This is probibly the greatest problem our society has; when rights colide.

On the one hand, you have the jewish group that operates the bus's right to freedom of religion.

On the other, you have the right of people not to be descriminated againts.

the simple answer, as used by the courts in such situations, is who would be hurt more. Best example of this is why it's legal for the Hybernians to exculde gay groups from the St. Patrick's day paraide. Right of free speach on the LGBT groups vs the right of association for the private organizers of the event.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Bill from Maspeth on Wed Oct 19 19:24:18 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by The Silence on Wed Oct 19 19:07:28 2011.

Gee, would I cause a stir if I rode that bus with my short hair and not being Jewish?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by orange blossom special on Wed Oct 19 19:24:32 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by The Silence on Wed Oct 19 19:07:28 2011.

"is who would be hurt more. "

Not the lady. On an airline you pay for a seat, no matter where it is. In a hotel, you pay for a bed, not smoking or non-smoking. On a bus, it's passage for the journey correct? Will following the rules harm her not getting passage?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by hank eisenstein on Wed Oct 19 22:51:03 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by The Silence on Wed Oct 19 19:07:28 2011.

There's no comparison to the Hybernians. The hybernians are a private group; they only need the city to approve their parade permit, as any private group would do. The bus company has a franchise given by the city, and are thus a public service that cannot discriminate.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by monorail on Wed Oct 19 23:43:18 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by The Silence on Wed Oct 19 19:01:25 2011.

were you there?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by The Silence on Wed Oct 19 23:45:18 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by monorail on Wed Oct 19 23:43:18 2011.

were you?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 19 23:50:01 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by Bill from Maspeth on Wed Oct 19 19:24:18 2011.

If you were a woman you would cause a stir if your clothes was considered too revealing.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 19 23:59:20 2011, in response to Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 09:21:28 2011.

I'll tell you what bothers me is that in this day and age Orthodox Judaism still treats women as second class citizens and they have all been brainwashed into accepting it. I'm glad this story was brought to the public's attention. There is no religious law that says women must sit in the back of the bus other than some rabbis decreed it.

If they want men an women to be kept separate, there is no reason why the men can't sit on one side of the bus and the women on the other. I don't think anyone would have a problem with that. Sitting in the back denotes inferiority. Why won't they have the men sit in the back? The only reason they will give you is that it is not done that way and that is not what the rabbis ordered. They have no right to tell anyone to sit in the back, but the Hassidic community is so powerful that no one wants to start up with them. That's why the Fire Department looks the other way when they illegally set open fires on every block in their neighborhood beforer Passover or torture and kill helpless chickens before Yom Kippur in the name of religious freedom and no City agency would dare to tell them it shouldn't be done.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Joe Saitta on Thu Oct 20 00:03:19 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 19 23:59:20 2011.

IAWTP very much!

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by R40SlantontheB on Thu Oct 20 02:46:23 2011, in response to Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 09:21:28 2011.

So they're still operating those 6v92 Orion V's on there? Gee I wonder what'd happen if I sat in the back and refused to move?
It sure would make an interesting video for sure...

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Thu Oct 20 03:45:14 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 19 23:59:20 2011.

In upstate NY, the company that NYSDOT threatened had women on one side and men on the other with a veil going down the middle of the bus. Still no dice with me...it is a public bus line, not a private charter.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Thu Oct 20 03:50:38 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by R40SlantontheB on Thu Oct 20 02:46:23 2011.

The women would refuse to sit next to you. As much as I dislike the imposition of this seating arrangement, I would rather you not antagonize the Orthodox Jewish women. You might get your arse kicked on that bus.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by MCI GUY on Thu Oct 20 07:42:43 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Thu Oct 20 03:50:38 2011.

this practice has been known about by bloomberg forever and just about everyone else knows about it.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Oct 20 15:42:47 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Thu Oct 20 03:45:14 2011.

Still better than the back of the bus.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Thu Oct 20 15:56:53 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by JAzumah on Wed Oct 19 11:35:46 2011.

The word "voluntary" was used to describe the arrangement in Israel, are you sure it applied to the B110 too?

Even so, why is this publication sending its reporters on a bus to stir up trouble?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Oct 20 17:06:13 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Thu Oct 20 15:56:53 2011.

Because what they are doing has always been illegal. If they want to continue to operate in the manner they have always been operating they need to start a subscription service, not a public bus operation where anyone can ride.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Oct 20 20:04:54 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Thu Oct 20 15:56:53 2011.

"stir up trouble..."

Hmmm..I heard that line before...sometime during the 60's down in the south.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Fri Oct 21 00:59:44 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Oct 20 17:06:13 2011.

It isn't illegal for a group of people to voluntarily sit on a bus in a certain way. I don't consider reporters looking for a story to be legitimate travelers. Get back to me when someone legitimately looking to travel on this bus needs to get from one place to another and is forced to sit in the back.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Oct 21 10:51:09 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Fri Oct 21 00:59:44 2011.

It is illegal fo tell anyone on a public bus to sit in the back. The women sit in the back because they have been brainwashed to feel inferior. As I said, let them run a subscription bus service if they want to set their own rules. It is still a public bus and they must abide by the law.

I know that Orthodox Judaism believes that religious law is higher than laws set by man so they are doing nothing wrong. Not everyone else agrees. But since Orthodox Jews are very intolerant of what anyone else thinks, even non-Orthodox Jews, because everyone else is inferior to them, you don't care and will continue to do practice the same barbaric practices you have been always doing like the torturing of chickens by swinging them over your heads until they die. Even Conservative Judaism is against that.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by JAzumah on Fri Oct 21 13:08:29 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Fri Oct 21 00:59:44 2011.

The NYT article states that bus drivers are enforcing the "voluntary seating arrangement".

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by MCI GUY on Fri Oct 21 15:10:28 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Oct 21 10:51:09 2011.

torturing chickens. i never heard that one. by the way do you all know orthodox jews have sex only for procreation in the dark through a hole in the sheet.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Oct 21 15:40:12 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by MCI GUY on Fri Oct 21 15:10:28 2011.

I think it's called kaporous. Swinging live chickens over your head to get rid of your sins before Yom Kippur. After the chicken is dead, you give it to the poor to eat. Conservative Jews believe the same thing could be accomplished by swinging bags of money instead so as not to harm the chickens. But the Orthodox won't change any of their practices that they have been doing for thousands of years although the world around them is changing. One reason why I won't be Orthodox.

As for the second one, I've heard of it but don't know if it's actually true. Anyone here care to confirm?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Oct 21 16:22:31 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Oct 21 15:40:12 2011.

so..by swinging the chickens over your head[to get rid of your sins]..untill its dead..Then giving it to the poor..does that mean you've given someone else YOUR SINS to consume,since they are eating your sacrifice?

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Kriston Lewis on Fri Oct 21 16:57:38 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Oct 21 15:40:12 2011.

The sheet thing is false.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by TheGreatOne2k9 on Fri Oct 21 17:56:45 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Oct 21 15:40:12 2011.

Orthodox Jews have the right idea when it comes to refusing to consume High Fructose Corn Syrup (or any other corn products) during Passover.

That means Coke, Pepsi, Fox's U Bet, and several other products have to have special sugar versions made for the Jews (and of course anyone else who wants them).

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Kahlua on Fri Oct 21 18:27:33 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by TheGreatOne2k9 on Fri Oct 21 17:56:45 2011.

I love Kosher Coke... It tastes so much better!!

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Kew Gardens Teleport on Fri Oct 21 19:29:19 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Oct 19 23:50:01 2011.

Well, I hope some journalistas in bikinis turn up to ride the B110 then. (And, yes, it would be worthless without pics.)

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Kew Gardens Teleport on Fri Oct 21 19:30:39 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by R40SlantontheB on Thu Oct 20 02:46:23 2011.

So they're still operating those 6v92 Orion V's on there? Gee I wonder what'd happen if I sat in the back and refused to move?
It sure would make an interesting video for sure...

Do it. I dare you.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Fri Oct 21 19:34:45 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by R40SlantontheB on Thu Oct 20 02:46:23 2011.

I figured that you or Joey Boots would be up to the task.

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Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line

Posted by Q101 E. MIDTOWN 2 AV on Fri Oct 21 21:30:37 2011, in response to Re: Women ride in back on sex-segregated Brooklyn bus line, posted by R40SlantontheB on Thu Oct 20 02:46:23 2011.

So they're still operating those 6v92 Orion V's on there?

I think you'll be disappointed.

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