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Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus

Posted by AMoreira81 on Sat Jan 1 18:26:21 2011, in response to Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus, posted by OrionVIIdieselbus on Sat Jan 1 16:58:26 2011.

He wants to get to the point as to why private mass transit systems went belly-up in the mid-20th century, but he missed it. It was because mass transit competes with the car. I would actually stop at public-private partnership. The fact of the matter is that the county insists on buying full-size vehicles for routes that need vans.

In Europe, transit fleets often have a wide variety of vehicle sizes, with full size buses, midibuses, minibuses, and vans being used. That is the idea that should be applied in NYC; it could work very well in Staten Island, Nassau County, and even some routes in Brooklyn and Manhattan. If he means that the government should get out of actual operation, I'm sure common ground could be sought to move towards a public-private partnernership with parameters or contracting out operationss; I don't believe that full-blown privatization would work in the market today, however.


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