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Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus

Posted by brightonr68 on Mon Jan 3 00:20:24 2011, in response to Re: Resident Calls for Privatization of MTA Long Island Bus, posted by TheHat on Sun Jan 2 17:48:52 2011.

At the MTA Broom sweepers make $25 an hour. If you include the generous benefits package are talking about paying broom sweepers close to $40 an hour.

$10-$15 an hour is a bit low for bus drivers considering the work load MTA drivers have on there plate. A few extra dollars will keep the work force stable and save money in the long run

$20-$25 an hour is more than generous(remember if you count the benefits which you should you are talking $35 to $40 an hour) but the real burden that causes the mta's bus operation to loose money is the criminal mob style work rules and very poor management.

The mta could operate cash flow positive with less subsidies then it currently gets (bridge tolls, surcharges, dedicated taxes (if you want to refinance your load you hand over 2% to the mta))

Region bus consolidation in the 5 boroughs is long overdue. Simply moving the BM3 and BM4 to Ulmer park from spring creak would save close to a million dollars a year.

Removing the clause that a driver can only pick up a bus at his or her home depot for overtime work would save millions a year as well. A very easy computer dispatch system would match all those willing to work the shift giving priority to those who are trained to operate buses at the nearest depot that has extra buses as most bustitution work is on weakens.

Better repair operation with fare wages instead of what we got now.
Lets not forget about all the waste such as station agents to sell fares when we need security for instance.
Installing Elevators at the Brighton line station just 100% redone would reduce many costly AAR rides and provide better access for those who can not climb stairs

In the end workers and riders would be better off. If you rent or own a home in NYS you are paying higher rent and taxes to cover the excess and poor management

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